More threads by David Baxter PhD


I also have thought about this topic recently. I remember reading this thread when it first came up three or four years ago, but I shied away from posting or categorizing myself as a "highly sensitive person," even though I knew that I am. For some reason, I didn't want to go there. I might have been too sensitive to even want to deal with the topic.

Not to elaborate too much, but certain aspects of my most recent living situation have gotten me to want to own up to my sensitive nature, become more aware and more accepting of it, and learn how to work with it. I think that sensitive people are often viewed as touchy or even selfish and aloof by those who are thicker-skinned by nature, but there is a positive side to being sensitive, in that those who are highly sensitive are often the first people to notice the pain of others and to empathize with it. We not only feel our own pain, but we "feel" the pain of others as well. I think this can translate into compassion, and that is a good thing.

I haven't read the book, but I would like to.
I agree Stargazer sensitive people seem to be more in tune with other peoples pain and are more compassionate. I too am very sensitive although i try not to show it but i think it is this sensitivity that helps me care for others . great topic thanks Into The Light mary


This is very much me. My old psychologist and I were talking about this a few years ago and she had me pick up the book: HSP How to thrive when the world overwhelms you. I am definitely not thriving. lol I also did not finish the book, not due to the book being a snoozer but because of my own issues with being able to concentrate for more than a minute.:vroom:

I wondered if there was any relation to HSP and people with social phobia, AvPD or any of the schizophrenia spectrum disorders? Obviously a lot of the characteristics could be quite similar or shared, but I wonder if someone is more prone to have social phobia for example if the outside world is to overwhelming or if someone with HSP would be more prone to develop social phobia?

lol I have no idea if that made any sense at all, it made sense to me. I was going to say sorry if I repeated anything already said but if I don't think that made sense (to others) then I think I am in the clear. 😊


I am very much a highly sensitive person, easily overwhelmed and need quiet time after social events. QUESTION FOR ANYONE---What do you think about finding a love-partner who is highly sensitive too? Anyone found love with another sensitive soul? I am single and am always attracted to this type.
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Is this the book that this thread was describing? I am going to order it from Amazon but want to make sure it's the right choice. Thanks! Seems like a must-read for me:coffee:


Question for anyone who has used this book for the Highly Sensitive Person...if I can only buy one book by the same author, should it be the first one or the workbook?

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I have the original book, not the workbook. I was impressed with the book and I suspect it would help you understand the concepts and factors better. I think workbooks are usually intended as companion volumes to the basic book.


I'm so grateful that I found this site!
The information here is so useful.
I like your articles very much.
I think I'm a Highly Sensitive Person too. Glad to here there are positives in it too.:)


I can SO RELATE! I came upon this site accidentally and am amazed at how sincere, insightful, and knowledgeable people are here. Thank you David Baxter!

---------- Post added at 02:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:30 PM ----------

Incidentally, the book arrived today via! I am a highly sensitive person and look forward to reading it, hopefully it will give me ideas of how to work on this


Am i a highly sensitive person? coz sometimes when I see a person, just by looking at his/her face, I pity her or him, then My heart started to ache, I wanted to cry but I can't, i think i remember crying once or twice.


Wow! In all my readings and training in psychology and psychotherapy, not once have I heard these things about highly sensitive people.

This is very interesting to me. Even though I don't identify with everything on the list, it includes several traits of mine that either I am ashamed of, or someone else has pointed out as negative in me. My grandmother always says that I am too sensitive. I know I care deeply about many aspects of my life and my relationships, I see nuances that I mull about and debate with myself and others more than most people seem to. I need a lot of me-time to recover my strength and I often feel self-conscious that I seem to be overwhelmed with a moderate schedule while others seem okay with much fuller schedules than mine. I also have a high sensitivity to noise and hear more than other people, even if I am not always able to understand what I hear (no worries, I mean things like a tv from another room / apartment and such, I thankfully don't hear voices that aren't there).
I also find myself in other traits mentioned, such as intuition, artistic nature, and conscientiousness in my endeavors. I usually didn't associate these aspects with the above-mentioned traits that I see as flaws, so it is interesting to see them all put together here.

This article is helping me put these things a little into perspective. Also, it is a good tool to understand others and to work with once I've sorted out my own sensitivity. I am really glad I've stumbled upon this information. Thank you for sharing!


I have been described as a sensitive person. But I have had a hard time integrating that.

Especially when I see that I am insensitive about certain things that others are not.

The fundamental problem I have with this subject is I see some people be sensitive about some things and not others.

One can say liberals are more sensitive to the needs of some minorities. But the conservatives are more sensitive about religious issues.

It just gets confusing for me.


Yes im exactly what is desribed,my favorite part is the alone time,I call downtime.When im alone I never feel lonely,I feel as you put it refreshed.Good thing my husband works out of town it gives me alot of peace i enjoy so much.After a few days im strong and brave enough to go out run errands see people, act calm,,well now im actually calm dealing with the public naturally.Im sure its because of my downtime...:)

---------- Post added at 04:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:47 PM ----------

I walk in a room and i feel exactly the feelings of others....its a pain in the ass for me,ive learned to block most of it but jeeesh!!!🤦
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