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Because I didn't understand my emotions, I allowed them to overcome me. I now understand (with the help of this forum) why I allowed it. I was never taught to question my emotions. Why should I question them in the first place, either there is a mental emotional or a body problem and it is in my mind which I believed, but shouldn't have. So I have to say (I) caused these emotional problems in my mind and they transferred to my body, which I cannot explain. My kidneys quit and then my bowels why I do not know., I just know it happened.

Attitude and ones behavior seem to be the culprit, how that works is beyond me, but it did. Any suggested reasons would be a great help. high strung

Daniel E.
Re: The Word Ego Are (I).

So I have to say (I) caused these emotional problems in my mind and they transferred to my body, which I cannot explain.

However, I don't see how kidney function (or dysfunction) is directly impacted by one's mental health. (Though kidney failure can certainly be very depressing.)

I know there is IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) where anxiety can cause bowel problems, but 1 in 6 people have IBS anyway.


Account Closed
Re: The Word Ego Are (I).

Kidney dysfunction and a number of GU diseases can have unpleasant and sometimes serious mental health consequences, but to think that you can get kidney problems due to impaired mental health is unrealistic. I think that's exactly what Daniel meant.


Re: The Word Ego Are (I).

:cool: I have heard people with cancer give up and go home sit down and die because they have nothing else to hope for. I say this is free will. They believe in their mind and body there life is over. But you do have a point there. high strung.


Account Closed
Re: The Word Ego Are (I).

:cool: I have heard people with cancer give up and go home sit down and die because they have nothing else to hope for. I say this is free will. They believe in their mind and body there life is over. But you do have a point there. high strung.

I think you have heard wrong, this is wrong and false information on many levels.

People with cancer battle their disease courageously and often defeat it. A lot of cancers are curable, especially in earlier stages.
When I work with cancer patients, I often feel pumped up by their contagious spiritual strength, optimism, determination and moral/character strengths.
Please, do not talk like this about the cancer population, or about anyone fighting serious illness.
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