It's one of the new so-called "atypical antipsychotics". They are indeed used to treat schizophrenia but increasingly in lower doses are also used to treat bipolar disorder, unipolar depression, and even some anxiety disorders.
I am on olanzapine and I have been told I can change to aripiprazole (abilify) if I want to. Apparently, aripiprazole does not cause diabetes but can cause restlessness and anxiety. Since I suffer fro paranoia, I am wondering if the aripiprazole might make it worse. I don't know what to do.
Sometimes, these questions can only be answered by trial and error, since there is no gurantee you will experience that side-effect (or any side-effects) and even if you did it would not necessarily exacerbate paranoid thinking.
Your doctor knows you and your medical history, presumably... what does s/he recommend?
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