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I think it sounds good. The driving part is really good, especially if it will be helpful to you.

I know it's disappointing about changing who you see, but it sounds like this doctor is someone you trust and it sounds like he is making a decision in your best interest. I think seeing a psychologist sounds good. And it's nice that you can go back to see the first doctor if the waiting list is too long.

I know it's all kind of scary though.

Thanks for the update. :)


thank you janet.... yes the driving part is really great!! it's been missing from my life for too long, it was a part of me and when that went, part of me went too.
so i was glad when he said i could drive again.

and yeah changing to a psychologist is kinda scary.. tho i have heard great things about him. I willhave to wait and judge for myself tho.

how u getting on with your therapist? good I hope!!


David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
the psychologist, he works with the other psychiatrists that i can't stand, in the same building as well.

Did you talk to the psychiatrist about this issue?

Of course, the fact that he works with psychiatrists you don't like doesn't need to affect your therapeutic relationship with him at all. You still have a confidential relationship with him that should not be breached without your express authorization. If you do end up seeing him, bring up the issue with him early on - let him know you don't feel comfortable about the psychiatrists and that you want his assurance that your confidentiality will be preserved.


therein lies the problem.. they work as part of a team. the psychs have all my notes to date and he will be liasoniing with them re meds ect.. it might be ok, as long as I don't have to go see them myself... even tho at the min i still do... another two week apt last thurs. but the doc i spoke with last week said that they prob space apts out to once a month just to monitor the meds and see how i'm getting on. I am dissapointed but i have to believe my psych is doing the right this for me don't I?.
i was so looking forward to working with him again and today well while i understood what he was saying to me, i'm sure he could tellfrom the expression on my face that i was dissapointed. well i'll just have to wait and see now what happens if and when i get apt with this new guy.

thanks for the reminder david.. and i will say it tho i don't thnk in this situation it will matter very much.


Hey notsureanymore! I'm proud of you that you went in today, first of all! :) Nerves can be hard before therapy. I agree with Janet that it sounds like mainly good news, insofar as him thinking that your conversion disorder will not likely return. That has got to be encouraging! It sounds like, from everything, that he thinks you're making a lot of progress. I'm not surprised that he was impressed with your goals! You did make some good and reasonable goals/fantasies (sorry i know they're not fantasies but it still cracks me up that you said that :D). Plus that whole therapy goal thread was your brilliant idea so that is a double good job!!

The same building psychologist is a little strange but I'm sure you'll work it out. Like I said and Janet said, it sounds like there was a lot more good than bad. It sounds like you're improving just like we can tell that you are! :)


thank you so much toeless for your positive response... you are right , guess we sometimes pick out the bad parts and forget the good... thank you and janet.

David: will be seeing him as public patient in an outpatient setting. not far from where i live.



Hang in there, nsa. The new psychologist may well be completely different from those you've seen previously. The fact that your psychiatrist believes that your Conversion Disorder won't return is wonderful news! Now, it's just a matter of therapy and hard work. Ain't that always the way of life? Everytime we have a problem, it seems like the answer is "hard work". Drat! ;)


heh heh... You are right tho, talking ti him yesterday about the conversion was good because i was terrified that if i had gone back to feeling the way i was before the *s***E hit the fan, then the possibility of having another one was there for me, i thought! he explained tho that because i'm on medication and the sessions i had with him plus being in the hospital,, he is convinced that i won't have another episode. so yes it is good news, but the best news he gave me was that i can drive again.. i know that might sound silly or stupid in the scheme of things but for me it means so much.

I'm not worried about hard work, i'm hoping the worst of it is past me.. like not wanting to "leave" anymore, and through therapy i hope to fine me and my purpose in life.

jeeze, i didn't mean to type all that.. got carried away again i gues.. sorry ppl.



I can certainly understand being most thrilled with the thought of being able to drive again. There's such a feeling of freedom when you can get in the car and go where you want. Now, all you need is a car to get in! :D

I had a time when I couldn't drive (I'd broken my leg), and it just about drove me nuts. Then, a year later, I broke my darned arm (Okay, so I'm a klutz!). Again, no driving. I hated it, so I completely understand your feelings! Congratulations on the clearance to drive! 👏



I just want to echo what others have said in that I think that you did a great job yesterday by first making it to the appt. and not cancelling. I know how hard it can be just to make it in the doors. Also, Kudos on being able to drive again. I know how much you like your freedom and the open road.

As for the psychologist that you are going to be seeing, I think that it would probably be beneficial if you spoke up right away to him/her about your concerns instead of feeling stiffled with your freedom of speech while in your sessions. I hope that you get into see him/her soon so that your healing can begin.

Congrats again that you made such great progress. I am soooo proud of you. :D :funky: 👏

Take Care


thank you TL and Nancy:
Nancy i hope so too... and i will be speaking to him about my concerns as they will be foremost in my mind, but as i said above.. he works as part of their team..
i think tho right now.. i'm gonna forget it and just enjoy feeling good for today.

thanks again for the congrats, both of ye. appreciate them.

later folks.


just thought i'd let ye know i drove my daughters car yesterday.. just a short spin.. but it felt sooooooooo ggooood!!... hopefully one of these days i'll have my own car...

yep,, it def felt
i was on a high for alittle while again after driving it...
but i'm backk to "normal now".. whatever that is.

i love to drive so i can imagine how exciting this must have been for you! maybe you can go for a little spin each day? something to look forward to?


hi BBC. it would be nice to do that but not likely to happen.. but i'm still delighted that i am allowed to drive again anyway.. that's what really counts tome.

thank you for your response



Glad to hear that you got the chance to drive your daughters car. I know how much you liked the open road to drive.

I know the feeling of being back to "normal" but yet not knowing what normal really is. I can relate.

Take Care and my hope for you is to drive more.


thank you bbc and Nancy.... and yeah i will drive more .. as soon as i get me own car.. which will be as soon as i get the dosh to buy it with LOL..

there's alot of this island i have to see yet.. so i'll be a bit like u Nancy.. i really want to be able to take off and just drive around at me own pace and enjoy this country of mine.

thanks again



Having been there many years ago, with my parents, and having driven all over Ireland, you've got a real treat in store for you! It's such a beautiful place, with friendly people and more shades of green than I thought were possible. :)


hey TL: there is a song here, an old one.. it's called 40 shades of green. real irish song it is. must find the words one day.

I have travelled a lot already around ireland.. but i want to travel it all... and i will one day.
thank you for saying lovely things about my country. i think the same way as you do. that is why whenever anyoone mentions a foreign holiday.. i just say as soon as i've seen all there is to see here. gonna take a long time.. hehe heh


hi folks. i know i've posted on other threads here this am, but this topic just seems right, this min anyway.

yes i have positives going for me at the m in, i am back driving and i have work as well. sometimes. but i don't know, i just don't feel right, in fact i feel like crying and don't really know why, maybe it's theother posts, sstill playing on my mind. the void i feel in my stomach, the si i did last night, i feel like i'm slipping and i can't or don't know how to stop it. i guess this is just a mmoan post really..
the insurance on me car isn't going to work out the way i wanted it to and so it gonna cost me a bloddy fortune. I feel the void but feel some hurt \pain as well weird. maybe i am causing this myself again.
sorry to whinge..

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