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Hi Nsa,

Theres nothing wrong with having a good moan and whinge if it gets it out of your system, ;) i wish I could do something to make it better for you, i think we all get bad days or weeks I know I do, things just dont seem right, nothings working out, I do alot of crying somedays and I dont know why either just bursting into tears at anything!!! I hope it passes and things feel better for you, hows the tiredness today?

Your in my thoughts

best wishes TTE



I am sorry to hear that you are struggling right now and I wish that I could be here more for you but I just wanted to say that I can relate to the exact feelings you described. You described earlier in another post about lacking on sleep and I think that it may be a contributing factor as to why you are feeling so down. I know that for me lack of sleep makes things seem 10 times worse and my feelings and anxiety just become overwhelming. You said that you think that you might be slipping backwards and I was wondering if you can call your doctor before your next appt which I think is not for another 2 weeks and explain what is going on. Maybe some of your meds need to be adjusted now that you have been on them for a while.

I don't really know I am just trying to throw a few options out there to see if maybe any of them will help. I do wish you the best and hope that you take care and stay safe. I will talk to you upon my return.

You will always be in my thoughts



thanks TTE and nancy:
the tiredness is the same, i struggled today not to fall asleep every time i sat down. even this evening on the couch i could feel sleep taking over so i came up to me room, and logged on here, but i don't think i can manage to stay here toolong.

maybe i will take nancy's advice and ring for earlier apt.. or maybe my gp can see me instead?? not sure really which one to ring , if any of them. do i love contradicting meself or what.. it's not lack of sleep that's one of the problems , it too much sleep if anything is trying to take over. weeks ago i couldn't sleep without taking the seroquel. now i'm taking one only. maybe i should just stop it altogether an see what happens.

TTE: i hope this passes too.. if not i'm in deep *you now what*..
thank ye for ye're replies and support.:)



was searching for a thread to post what's running thru me head and then i remembered this one.. i think this is the right place.. don't know and don't really care...

and now that i have started this i haven't a clue how to continue....
i'm asking my self how can one person (me) think and feel so much at the same bloody time.. not just since yesterday.. tho it didn't help matters.. maybe yesterday just heightened everything i don't know..
yesterday.. I was wired!! not in a good way.. angry, sad,, confused.. depressed.. feeling nothing,,, as well as I don't care attitude!! even laughing about stupid things and saying stupid silly things as well.
Today i'm still much the same... but not as wired maybe.. trying to get a grip.. i was chatting on msn for a good while last night and i have to say it was good to chat.. it also stopped me from doing something else!.. those dangerous thoughts are there as are thoughts of S.I..

so many thoughts, so many feelings... hard not to act on some of them..
anyway... i just wanted to get some of this rubbish out of my head..

thanks for the space.. Dr.B.




I am glad that you felt that you could come on here and get some of the rubbish out of your head and I can relate to how you feel about having so much going through your head at one time, it is hard. I know for me that thinking and feeling so much at one time can be overwhelming but at least having been on msn last night gave you the opportunity to take your mind off of SI and other things. That was a good choice and be proud of yourself for making that good choice for yourself.

I noticed that you signed off with CNSA.....what does that mean?


thank you Nancy... it is very hard.. i guess ithought.. one feeling at a time was enuff.. then so many all at one time.. not just ovewhelming.. suffocating.. and feeling like either me head or some part of me is going to explode. and yes it was great to be able to have a friend to talk to last night.. meant alot.. stil means a lot. as does being able to come here and type whatever..

cnsa = changing nsa.. :)



I feel that you could have totally written that post above about me....I often feel that I am feeling so overwhelmed with so many thoughts and feelings that all rush at me at the same time. You are very lucky to have friends that you can talk to on msn as well as come on this forum and I am jealous about that. Until I get my laptop (which is hopefully this weekend :)) then I am trying to write mood logs to identify what the thoughts and moods are that I am experiencing. Once I get the laptop I feel like I will have so many more options open to me to access my support system.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that I can completely relate.
Take care CNSA :) :hug:

It is a terribly difficult situation when you're experiancing the thoughts that you are, and really hard to get your brain out of those thoughts patterns. I'm glad that you could come here too, to sit and spill some of the beans. Having a friend there for you is such good news too. I am a strong advocate of internet chat, (lol- not over face to face) but it is there often when face to face can't be there, ie. late at night, people overseas, etc. and can sometimes be just as comforting!

Anyway, theres no point to this post other than to let you know I'm here to listen to you too, and that I hope you start feeling a little better as the day progresses.

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