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Daniel E.
Witness Protection Mother’s Day Getaway Package
Psychology Today blog: Because I'm the Mom
by Pamela Cytrynbaum
May 15, 2009

What DO Women Want?

Calling all you wrung out, stressed out, freaked out, overbooked, overwhelmed, overworked multitasked-out Mothers:

Whatever your Mother's Day was, however it went, I know your ugly secret. I know what you really wanted.

I propose the following revolution so next year, we get it.

Next year, let's come out. Let's just say it out loud:

When husband/life partner/family members chirp that yearly Hallmarked question:

"Hey, what do you really want to do for Mother's Day?" Always followed by: "Breakfast in bed? Flowers? Take the kids somewhere special? Big, belching, blurching brunch?"

As tempting as it is to swan dive one's head into an icy glass bowl of chilled, peeled shrimp, we all know our dirty little secret. We all know what, deep down, we want more than anything else in the world. Look, we adore our families and would do anything for them. In fact we do. Anything. For. Them.

So on this day, just this one day, Calgon...Take Me Away.

Everybody I love who depends on me to be utterly unshakeable, utterly available, relentlessly giving, self-LESS, on the ball, on the go, makin' the bacon-fryin' it up in the panning, "the world's best finder"....You wanna know what do I really want for Mother's Day?

To vanish.
To be disappeared.
To not be the Mom.
Just for a night or two.
To go where absolutely nobody knows my name.

To have somebody who loves me and has great credit pre-pay for me to go away for a night or two to a place with a King-size bed, mattress programmably firm but with pillow-top; sheets with the Oprah-thread-count; all the pillows I can eat; a Jacuzzi tub, fireplace; a view of some large body (not mine) of water; 24/7 room service delivered like prison meals - silent, through the slot, no communicado. No massages or mani's or pedi's because they require human interaction. I want no interaction.

No phones. No show tunes, ringing, buzzing. No emergency contact information, no texting, no im'ming, no instant nothing.


Witness Protection Mother's Day Weekend Special: $XXX
Mental health benefits to Mothers and their families everywhere: Priceless


Daniel E.
More seriously:

Only 25 percent regularly get seven or eight hours sleep a night, while 75 percent were 'lucky if they get six hours' - 40 percent of these usually slept less than six hours a night.

"Our thirties and forties are so hectic, that by the time we reach our fifties, sixties and seventies - the time we should be more freed up to enjoy life - our health has already been seriously affected."
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