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We have another winter storm on the way in a couple of days,but I don't care because next week it will be Spring and I know that eventually it will get warm.

This has been a horrible winter,one of the worst ones in a very long time.I just want the temperature to stay above freezing.....


Our storm will begin tomorrow.We will be getting like 10 inches of snow,with wind and cold temps. I am SO tired of this weather,it's so depressing,but I keep thinking that it WILL eventually change,it WILL eventually get warm.

And it's just 9 days until the first day of Spring.Even if it's snowing that day,at least it will be Spring!
:) I love getting outside and feeling the warm sun. :)

---------- Post Merged at 12:05 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 12:03 PM ----------

It might be kind of silly, but I want to have a little "welcome spring" party with my kids. I'm trying to think of some ideas. :)


It might be kind of silly, but I want to have a little "welcome spring" party with my kids. I'm trying to think of some ideas. :)

I don't think it's silly at all,I think it's a really good,and fun idea.

I like the 'Spring planting party' in the '10 Spring-Themed home Party Ideas'. It would be fun to plant stuff with your kids and have them care for them.I wish I had done something like that when mine were little.I wish I would have had them each plant a tree,that would have been cool,they would be really huge by now.


It's been snowing this morning.It sure doesn't look like Spring,but I feel better knowing that it is.

I just keep hoping for the day I can turn my heat off and open the windows and let fresh air in.It's bound to eventually happen.I just hope it doesn't go from cold weather straight to really hot temps.,which seems to be happening more and more.It seems like we no longer have four seasons and only have two,Winter and Summer.

P.S.I just checked the weather forecast.It's supposed to be close to 60 degrees later today,so I guess I will get to turn my heat off for a little while.This is crazy weather.


MVP, Forum Supporter
This morning the temperature is -27 with the wind chill. It's not feeling very springlike here :lol:


Dang rdw,that is COLD!

Happy Spring anyway...

---------- Post Merged at 10:27 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 04:19 PM ----------

snow snow snow it keeps coming down but the wild life know it is spring time
Today i saw a wild turkey fly over a truck in highway i saw three deers playing in field and two blue herons at a creek
and yes i saw a cute little skunk that wandered up to the road looked at me back up a bit then kept wandering on its way
see animals know ok enough sleeping time to get spring here now


MVP, Forum Supporter
The geese have returned to our part of the world but I'm sure they are wondering why...:lol:


I saw a flower growing,pushing up through the snow,so that's a good sign. I've also been hearing and seeing lots of birds in my back yard,finally.


It's supposed to be in the 60's today.Finally I will get to enjoy decent weather for a couple of days before the temperature drops again.YAY.
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