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Aha! NOW.... This.... This feels like spring...

I've got that spring-cleaning fever... Cleared some old vegetation (mostly dead hollyhock stalks), cleared out a buncha crud from the garage...

Have plans to get stuff to get organized, get cleaned up... Mostly from Canadian Tire... :)

Have plans to clear out the garage so I can clean out some stuff from the house.

Spring purging! It's symbolic and therapeutic for me!

Keeping an eye on the puddles and the shrinking snow... Still hard to take a walk around here without getting soggy. Had to wipe the dog's tummy & legs down, had to change my jeans from cleaning out the garage....


I just want to be able to open all the doors and windows and let fresh air in.It's almost like I can feel the winter depression trapped inside my house.

I am wishing for a warm,breezy day so I can do that.I just want to make my home feel fresh and cheery.
House was warm, so shut off the heat and actually did open some windows today. I've been hearing lots of birds and even heard a woodpecker attacking a tree somewhere nearby.... Nature's jackhammer. lol Although I have a feeling that the jackhammer copies the woodpecker and not the other way around... :D

If you on the East Coast or middle of the continent, I'm assuming you've got a little ways to go but if the nice weather's here in the West, surely it's going East and will meet up with you soon!!!

Another sign the weather is warming up... Kept seeing groups of people walking past our house on the road (trying to avoid the crappy slushy sidewalks on our side of the crescent, where the trees shade and slow the melting down)... Saw a dad and his daughter and their dog. Saw 3 adults walking by. David saw a grey kitty sitting in the middle of the road. It sounds like the same cat we saw last year that Bruiser saw at our front door.

RIP Bruiser! ♥ We are soon to plant a dogwood tree in your honour! ♥

Getting that itch to plan the garden and buy seeds... Already have a mint plant that lasted throughout the winter on my window sill... Gonna have herbs and root veggies, and zucchini, and beans and.... Yeah, my mind is already making lists! :D

The warmth is heading East. If it's this weather from the West is warm in Saskatchewan, Canada, it can't be long before the other side of the continent gets a reprieve. Hang in there!!


It's been a bit warmer today and has been raining pretty much all day.It's not an actual Spring rain,where you can smell it or anything,but it's a little closer to what I have been waiting for,and it's made me feel calm and lazy all day.


They're starting to come up here too,forgetmenot.Finally!I have flowers coming up all around my house now.

But,we have snow on the way tonight,a few inches of it.:mad:


It was almost 80 degrees on Sunday,today it was in the 60's and tonight the temp will drop and it's supposed to snow and only be in the low 30's tomorrow.

This is the middle of April,right?.....


The sun is shining and I have my windows and doors open!!!!

I love Spring weather!

---------- Post Merged at 12:08 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 12:06 PM ----------

It smells like freshly cut grass outside.I forgot how good that smells!
Doesn't help the mood when one is feeling crappy already. :p Bleargh. Our weather can't make up its mind, it seems. It's still decently warm today, and although the sun came out for a few hours this morning it's clouded over. The clouds are trying so hard to rain that it's sort of sneezing or spitting raindrops right now. But nothing productive. :p

Staying home with hubby today... Hoping the sun comes out. It's a weird, wet, wishy-washy spring, so far.
Thanks LIT i did not know marigolds attracted butterflies i knew they kept rabbits away from food garden because they smelled lol
i may try to plant some this year My angel i bought for my garden all its bisque fell of it so it is not glossy anymore and i brought it in every winter too
it is a little boy angel i bought it for the garden i made for my bro i guess i will put it out anyways the way it is it looks so worn now though


Spring is my favorite season and we are seeing the sunny 10? C weather now. I'm so excited for Spring!
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My favourite is summer, love the vacations in summer. Used to like winter a bit for the skiing in Europe, but once I got lost in the mountain, and decided to quit skiing altogether. It just doesn't look safe to me anymore.
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