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What do you suppose most abusive husbands/partners suffer from? Simple anger issues? Problems with rage? Bipolar disorder?

And has there ever been a case where a couple actually got through an abusive relationship/situation, and actually REMAINED together? Is it unheard of?

I just realized this possibly went into the wrong category. My apologies everyone.
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H! Tempered Tense. I wonder if there are studies on this although I think I have read about couples getting through this to a healthy relationship. :dimples: Mari
Thank you for your replies Daniel and Mari. I think the fact that there are documented stories of triumph out there is inspiring. I know it is not healthy to physically remain in such a relationship for the time being, however through couples counseling, I had just wondered if couples survived it. I'm actually reminded of Ozzy and his wife, although I don't know much about their case. And I will definitely check out that link.
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