My exhusband and I have joint custody of my 8yr old son. I am domcilliary parent and our papers state that "except in the case of emergencies, the domicillary parent is responsible for final decisions for all medical, psychiatric and dental treatment". My ex is constatly taking me to court asking for full custody since I remarried 2 yrs ago. Since the divorce 5yrs ago, we have gone through several family and psych evales ordered by the couorts. Early last year I put my son in therapy because the whole ordeal has taken it's toll. Early this year my ex took him to a psychologist. She saw him twice and rendered an opinion of MY household. She only saw him with his father in the waiting room, she knew he had a therapist, she knew this was an ongoing court battle, and she never notified me of these visits. I question the ethics of this greatly. I "dropped it" though. But this past week, my ex has taken my son to her again. I am dumbfounded as to how this is at all therapeutic or ethical. I honestly thought a Psychologists ethics prohibited them from being a hired gun. There are no allegations of abuse.. so how can she see my son without my permission? My ex is an abusive man who is able to "charm". My son, however, is not happy with seeing this lady and told me about it crying. He knows his Dad is using this against me in court and he feels guilty for seeing the Psychologist. In addition, she told my son to stop playing with stuffed animals, do more "boy" things and make some "real" friends. So my son questions if playing with his stuffed animals is "girly". In all of my son's pain, these stuffed animals are his friends and he uses one, in particuolar, as a transferance item from my house to his Dads. I'm not asking for legal advice... I just question the ethics of this Psychologist and do not want my son overexposed to the Mental health world. Especially when it's a negative experience for him.