More threads by HotthenCold


Is anybody out there who is trying to stay sober interested in having a thread where we can share our latest thoughts and troubles related to drinking?
It would be an on going thread that would get added to whenever you felt tempted to drink, or when you just felt good about not drinking and wanted to share your happiness.
It would just be nice to have some people to chat with regularly about sobriety.
The purpose would be to strengthen the personal commitment to sobriety by having a group to report to regularly and remind you of your commitment, goals, hopes, and dream related to sobriety.
Any takers?
Hope to hear from someone!
(if not I'll just start replying to my own message all the time, which would be kind of sad, but also kind of funny)


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(if not I'll just start replying to my own message all the time, which would be kind of sad, but also kind of funny)

Not a bad idea Hottencold. I am two years clean and sober, so I am in. :)
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This is an excellent idea and if you need help to link to another thread or split or otherwise manage your discussion, be sure to let one of the Forum staff know, so we can help
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