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Daniel E.
Drop bears target tourists, study says - Australian Geographic
April 1, 2013

Drop bears are also thought to be able to discern Australian accents, and seem to be less likely to attack people who have them...

Volker suggests several methods bushwalkers can adopt to defend against potential drop bear attacks. These include wearing forks in the hair or spreading Vegemite behind the ears or under the armpits.

More info: Drop bear - Wikipedia
Ok Australia, this flavoured milk stuff is officially getting disgusting:

Each of these is a type of lolly/candy.

Redskins are raspberry flavoured and extremely sweet - this would be a horrible flavour for milk. My tastebuds are having nightmares just imagining it.
Chokito are chocolate/caramel bars which are pretty good - probably works for milk.
Jaffas are choc-orange flavoured chocolate balls with a hard red candy shell - ehhhhhh probs not worth trying.
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