More threads by A Nonny Mouse


MVP, Forum Supporter
I never believe asking for help is a stupid idea. Living in the shed isn't a solution - how did that decision come about?
Our children were NEVER at risk ... EVER ... So why should we be puinished for asking for help ? Why should we lose everything ... Why should we have to sleep in a cold damp shed ... Forget it. Obviously all our fault, deserved and all the rest


MVP, Forum Supporter
Who did you turn to for help? And again how did living in the shed become a solution? Is there a plan in place for care for you - counselling, medication, therapy, hospitalization?

---------- Post Merged at 08:17 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 08:15 PM ----------

And no one says it's your fault - we are just all trying to understand your situation and help you.
Our gp, therapist, counscellor all knew what we had done. We had contacted a mental health charity chatline thing. They called everyone out, although god knows how they knew our address.
We are in the shed as its that or the car. If we sign the tenancy of the house over to ex so we can find somewhere else to stay we won't be able to move back. He will have permenant control. Have private therapy which we pay for and meds via gp. Cmht know, buit aren't bothered. As long as we don't bother them, they are happy. Well it is our fault. We caused the problem, we have to suck it up and accept consequences


MVP, Forum Supporter
No you didn't cause the problem but you do have to advocate for a solution for yourself. Why did the mental health chat line call in the authorities? Have you seen your therapist since this all occurred?

---------- Post Merged at 08:42 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 08:40 PM ----------

Are you taking your medications now - as I recall you weren't taking it though medication was prescribed.
They obviously thought there was a risk somewhere ... Dunno. Never found out. Don't 'see' therapist, its done via phone, but yes have spoken. Everyone with mh team etc know ... None of them see it as a problem so .. We are just moaning and being ungrateful. Selfish as always.

---------- Post Merged at 02:47 AM ---------- Previous Post was at 02:45 AM ----------

Have to take the medications, or hubby will not allow us to see kids. No choice. Same with therapy.


MVP, Forum Supporter
Why not ask the question of why they thought there was a threat to your well being? I'm not sure I understand why no one thinks that living in a shed is a problem. Does your therapist have any suggestions regarding your situation ? Regardless of the reason, I'm glad to hear that you are taking your medication. How old are your children?
We asked, but as they don't know who we spoke to, they can't help apprently. Just that the person must have thought there to be a risk. Not lying. They know we sleep in the shed on a sofa bed. Obviously not a problem. Like we say, just us being stupid and ungrateful. Medication is useless. Anti-d's are not the answer and are irrelevant in regards to the incident. Children are 8 and 9.


MVP, Forum Supporter
I found that anti depressants helped me make healthier decisions for me once they had levelled out my depression and anxiety. Are they the total and complete fix - no of course not but as I said they allowed me to begin to make good decisions for myself and helped me to start moving forward. Four years later I'm still learning how to keep moving forward.
How is this incident different from some of your other incidents? Have you specifically asked your therapist what he or she thinks of your current living situation?
How are your children coping with this disruption in their lives?
Anti'ds are not successful (alone) for bpd. Anti'ds have not worked previously in the 15 odd years we've tried. Oh whatever ok. Obviously we are just making it up, therapist doesn't agree with it it seems, but nothing he can do. Forget it. Seriously. We aren't worth it. Thanks anyways
First of all NM, I'm very glad that you wrote in again. I'm sorry for the predicament you are facing. And, you are correct,anti-depressants alone do not assist with bipolar depression.

I don't know where you live, but there has to be a shelter or emergency assistance for you. You must be willing to take the first step to get help. It would also be good to have your meds reviewed by a doctor. Sometimes, when we feel bad, we have to work a tad harder to be heard and in a non-violent manner. You need proper shelter, food, and, medical attention. From what you've said thus far, the children are fine. And, you can have contact with them. Hang onto that. As a mother, if anyone tried to take my son away, that would gear me up to get him back.

This community is comprised of a lot of people who can help you if you so desire. I hope you will stay in touch.
Not sure why people constantly question our desire ? ... Right ok. Great.

---------- Post Merged at 04:06 AM ---------- Previous Post was at 04:04 AM ----------

Oh and bpd is borderline, not bipolar which is bp. o


MVP, Forum Supporter
To be honest I think you question your desire as well as you're still here and you're still talking. Thinking about suicide as a solution is a fall back defence pattern for a lot of us when life becomes overwhelming painful yet again. No one believes you're making this up - we get it. Why do you think we're here? Each of us on this forum has struggled to find our way and fought back against a variety of life circumstances and forms of mental illness. At times I'm merely one step away from going back to my fall back defence pattern as life is not always easy or pretty. What I do know is healing is about finding a solution - one step at a time and using all of the resources available to each of us. Sounds simple right - um no but there are days it's really worth it.

You want out because the pain and dispair has intensified to the point of you feeling incapacitated. When we come to the end of ourselves, we need to allow the hands that are stretched out to receive us. As a community, we continue to offer support, suggestions, and options. Honey, you need to find it within yourself to trust someone. You need to get yourself to the nearest hospital and walk in. If you are unable to communicate because you are afraid, please do not let that stop you. There are solutions to your situation. They take time, but they can and will help you. You need hands on people who can help you put the pieces of your life back together. If you cannot do it for yourself, do it for your children. You can get well. If you are afraid of the hospital process, I understand that. I've been there. It is frightening to undergo. However, once that part is over, you start regaining your life -- one step at a time. And, you have all of us to cheer you on. Please believe and know that. One step forward. You feel pain today because your situation appears hopeless. It is not. You are a valuable human being who has lots of possibilities. Do not give up.


Is there a legal aid system you can access where you can receive legal advice on how you can get the mental health treatment you need, while your children are in a safe and temporary foster care environment during your treatment?

Your primary concern should be to receive the medical care you need, so that you can care for your children when you get better.
They are not going into foster care. Would rather die and let him and his gf have perment responsibility than that. Doesn't matter. Like we say, will just shut up and get on with existing.

If something bad happens to you, what will that do to your children? A healthy mom is what they need. I understand your feelings towards your ex. Steve raised a good question, is there a legal aid system within your community that you can contact? I'm not understanding how you could lose your kids being hospitalized. You are seeking help for yourself and in seeking help, you are not harming yourself. I hope you can reconsider your options.
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