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Its not medication that I take on a daily basis, its more pain relief stuff!! (I don't know if I can say what the actual tablets are, but I hope you get what I mean?) I just buy a packet or two while im out!! I have actually been taking my prescribed meds as I am supposed to!! But my brain is telling me that most things can be harmful!! In fact its quite overwhelming! scarie stuff!!


I am worried that if I do get rid of all this stuff and don't 'do' it, im going to literally go mad and that seems more frightening than dying!!


It seems that those pain killers are preventing you from going mad. But in reality they just blunt your emotions for the moment of time. It's not the way to solve the situation you are in. Look at the prospective of taking pain killers. Is it any good? There should be another choice that will help you not to go mad. Professional aid might be that decision. Being able to go through all you are feeling and work it out with the person who knows how to help might seem like a long and difficult way, but it works.
Just don't let yourself be alone with all those problems.


I have tried to ask for help from a professional but I feel as if ive not got any chance of their help in the near future! I have my GP, and she thinks that I would probably be out the other side of this by time I even get an assessment!! Apart from her, im sorry to say to you guys, that you are all I have!!! And therapy seems a long way off too!!!


You shouldn't be sorry or ashamed if you are in situation where you need help. Nobody can cope with all the hardships on their own. Also, try not to have a negative approach concerning the future possibility of getting help. Don't get stuck with just one source. Are there any other ways to do it? Any live self-help groups (even a social group, like a reading club or art group might be able to distract you at least for a little bit while you're waiting for the prof help), maybe?
This website is a good place to communicate. I'm just saying that the more resources you are able to use the better it will work.


Apart from her, im sorry to say to you guys, that you are all I have!!

We are glad to be here for you, so make use of this resource as much as you need.

I would suggest, though, that you at least call your GP to let her know you are experiencing suicidal thoughts that feel very strong, and that you would like to know how she can help.

Your doctor should not be judging anything you tell her, so you should feel comfortable to tell her exactly how you feel right now.

Were you able to get through to the crisis hotline in London?


I have the number for 'the sams' from that information and I have sent an email to them!! thankyou for that!! :eek:mg: please be sure to tell me if I become a nuiscence. I appreciate you guys being there!!


Sending an email was strong and right decision. Maybe, seems like a small step, but it's in the right direction, so it's actually a great thing!

Thank you, Reeper, for staying with us here and talking!


I have calmed down a bit, but I am still feeling very unsettled and these really strong urges! I don't know if I have avoided anything, maybe have managed to delay it!! Just can not stop thinking about death and dying! How to get there? I understand when people say 'it will pass' but sometimes it builds and builds until I am convinced there is no other alternative or escape!! These suicidal thoughts are very intrusive and powerful!!


I have the number for 'the sams' from that information and I have sent an email to them!! thankyou for that!!

You have done the right thing, and you are to be commended.

be sure to tell me if I become a nuiscence

No you are not a nuisance, and reaching out for support is the right thing to be doing when in crisis.

What are your interests in life, your work, your studies, your pursuits?


The negative thoughts always seem to be powerful in their influence on us. Let's try and distract you from all that bit by bit. Think about your interests and pursuits, like Steve suggested. I'm sure there's a thing or two that you enjoy doing. Concentrate on that!
Also, try to get out. Even a simple trip to a zoo, aquarium or a pet shop will make a difference.
Let's think together about what you can do in order not to sit and be overloaded by negative thoughts.


I have my fish and South African Land Snails to look after and I love them so much! I also meet up with some people at a group once or twice a week! Other than that I have no enthusiasm or drive in this life!! I am unable to commit to any sort of work due to physical and mental health issues!! I feel that getting through the day is quite an achievement at the moment! Taking one minute at a time! Even breathing is such an effort (not due to any physical ailment) :(


South African Land Snails are much larger than the brittish ones and the shell is a cone shape rather than roundish!! My tenancy for my home states that im not allowed any pets with legs and of course neither fish nor snails do!! I have always had and needed pets to keep me company cos im not very good with human company! I saw the snails on a website, so I bought them and that was 4 years ago! Apparenty they can live up to 10 years!!! cross 106.jpg this is 'Dave'


  • mine 009.jpg
    mine 009.jpg
    15.1 KB · Views: 7


Pets are great! They are purest things, and depend on us so much. Also, they give a lot of positive enegry back.
Looking forward to hear stories about your little friends and see their pics.
As for your everyday achievements in getting through this situation, it requires a lot of strength and will power. You are very strong, Reeper!

---------- Post Merged at 05:38 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 05:33 PM ----------

Wow! Dave surely is a big guy! I like how the shell looks! Beautiful:)


Dave is quite heavy too! when he comes out of his shell he's the width of my hand and his body is the full length of my hand and about an inch up my wrist!! When he eats you can hear him munching!! I do have two others but they are not as spectacular!!


:D Funny about munching! So, Dave is the star, eh?
Is taking care of the snails very hard or not? What about the fishies? Are they big ones as well?

P.S. Going to get offline for a little bit, but will be back to hear the pet stories soon!


Oh,SO cool!

How do you take care of snails?

Can you hold them? Do they feel slimy?

I've been thinking about getting another pet,and I had never thought about a snail until seeing the pic of yours,and now I'm interested.

What do you keep a snail in?An aquarium or something?
Hi Reeper hope you got rid of the meds hun and i hope you did call someone just to talk you down ok it is hard i know The thing is hun if you get rid of the meds then you will have kept yourself safe ok. You said what will hospital do for you They will keep you safe too they will talk to you perhaps give you some stay in hospital where you can talk to people who will care about you Please let us know ok how you are doing
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