Dealing with Cognitive Function Associated with Psychiatric Disabilities: A handbook for families and friends of individuals with psychiatric disorders
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- Cognitive dysfunction in mental illness ................................................5
- Why do people with mental illness have cognitive dysfunction?......6
- How does mental illness affect cognition............................................7
- Who is affected by cognitive dysfunction? ........................................8
- How do these cognitive problems show up in daily life? ................8
- Cognitive impairment: The impact on daily functioning ..................10
- Medications and cognition: Do they help or hinder? ......................11
- How can cognitive dysfunction be treated? ....................................13
- What is a learning style? ......................................................................16
- Learning style checklist ......................................................................18
- What can family members do to help improve memory?................19
- What can family members do to help attention? ..............................22
- What can family members do to help critical thinking skills?............25
- Common questions that families ask about cognitive dysfunction in mental illness.........................................28
- Resources for families .........................................................................30