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Hi everybody....
Does anyone know what I can do, if anything to supplement my disability on a provincial level. I lived in Ontario when I was first diagnosed & put on ODSP. I moved to Nova Scotia in 2006 & took a 60% cut in my disability pay. I make $500.00/mth & live with my mother. CPP said I didn't work enough to put any money into it, so I didn't qualify. This was a few years ago. Is there anyway that I can get around the lack of work... It's not like I wanted to be disabled & unable to work. Why am I being penalized for it. I worked from the time I was 16 until I was diagnosed at 24. It was all part time jobs though. :( Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Have you applied for any other disability support program there I know a lawyer is needed most time to win the cases against CPP Perhaps look into getting help legally


Can't really afford a lawyer, & as far as I know it's either CPP (federal) or provincial support. There doesn't seem to be any other. :( Thanks for the advice though. :)

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
CPP, as I understand it, is a return on contributions made while employed. If you have no work history, I would assume you would not be eligible.

That said, you should be eligible for whatever provincial disability plans exist in your area, provided you have the appropriate documentation, and if you were receiving ODSP previously in Ontario I would expect that would carry weight in any application to another province.
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