More threads by haunting


I obviously have a low self-esteem--thats not a mystery. So I called a health and fitness womens only center. I made an appointment for next week.

They set a plan for you--what you want to accomplish. I told the lady that I would like to tone and get in shape. She said they can help, so I made this appointment. I am thinking that maybe I can stop focusing on eating problems and feel better with excersise. Then this will be a healthy way of feeling better in many different ways. My thoughts are that in time it will boost my energy and I will feel like I am doing something good for my body--not just the bad stuff. I do know that I need to eat and drink better or I will be feeling rough if I push myself to far with the excersise end of things. I need to stop the bad stuff before I kill myself. And I thought this is what I wanted but if it was....I would not be here now would I?? So I have to stop the "crazy circle" that I am in and have some positives in my health. (make sense??)

Anyway just wanted to know if anyone has these thoughts. Or if anyone has any feedback---- I would sure appreciate it. Thanks for reading...


David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I think that's an excellent idea. Tauri (Blossom Counselling) is currently working in association with a trainer and a nutritionist -- they offer a combined program of physical fitness, healthy eating habits, and counselling which seems to be a very effective combination for people with eating disorders.


Thanks very much Dr. Baxter. I do think this is a good idea as well. I was also offered by my chiropractor sometime ago for me to see a good friend of his. She is a nutritionalist. She is a student but I think we can kind of learn from each other. She had good resources and is currently "in training". I can offer some thoughts for any future clients that she may come across. So I think it could be a "win, win" situation.

So I will post more about this after my appointment. I am excited about something for a change--feels good!!! And I would love more of these feelings.

Haunting--thanks for the response Dr. Baxter.


That sounds wonderful, Haunting! Just the idea of having a solid plan that will include good nutrition, exercise, and somebody to help you along the way is exciting! I'll be looking forward to hearing how things go. I'll bet you're right, and that you and the student nutritionalist will be of great help to one another. Good luck, hon! Please, keep us posted!


Thanks ssssoooo much ThatLady. I do appreciate the positive feedback on this. I am really excited to start this program. And I will let you know when I start. My first appointment is next week so I will go from there. I am also excited to talk with this nutritionalist. I do think it would be great experience for her. Hopefully she can gain some knowledge or perspecitve from talking with me and can help others in the future. I am also hopeful that she has some good ideas and suggestions for a healthy way of living. I also think that I won't feel "backed up" in a corner discussing eating concerns with her as I do at times with my doctors and therapists.

The next few days are going to be tough. My kids are gone now with dad and its already toooo quiet and lonely. To much thinking goes on in my head when I am alone. Please don't fret if I vent throughout this time..thanks all.



I'm almost as excited as you are, Haunting, just because you seem so "up" about this new venture! Don't worry too much about the venting. We all need to get things out once in awhile. :eek:)


AAWWWW, thats great to hear ThatLady. Its a wonderful feeling to have someone like you on my side--or should I say pulling for me. I am feeling up and down right now. Up with the positives steps I am taking and a little down about this weekend. Just fretting about New Years. Having a hard time with nightmares right now---baby dreams--and not good ones. I see myself rushing around the house like as if I am preparing for a baby when my baby is gone. My parents phoned and they might be coming for a day. If they come it will be on Saturday. But not sure how I feel about that one. My dreams bounced around last night. Bad ones about my family--especially my father. Then dreams about my ex husband. And of course baby dreams. I hate these nights when I wake up several times, remembering most of what I dreamt about--then falling back asleep and having more and more of these horrific nightmares. (sigh)-I am so tired today.



Ish. If you're waking up on and off during sleep, I imagine you are tired, hon. Bad dreams are scary and annoying but, thankfully, they're only dreams. If we let them, they go away when we open our eyes to the daylight.

Be proud of the positive, forward steps you're taking, hon, and concentrate on how great it is to be taking them. That will help crowd out the negative thoughts. If we keep our minds full of how wonderful we are, there's little room for thoughts that would bring us down. :eek:)

Know that all of us here are with you all the way. You're doing great work!


Yes I am grateful for the fact that you are here.

I am proud of the steps I am taking, just hard to concentrate on them. The problem with my bad dreams are for the most part, they are true. The nightmares are often about things that have happened. I wake up many nights to a soaked pillow--or to someone else trying to wake me if I am screaming. I have woken up others many nights and I feel soooo guilty for scaring the heck out of everyone. The dreams are so real that it feels like I am re-living these events over and over. I find it hard as all too often this is when I want to do something to myself that I can't take back. I just want it to end. I can go like this for days on end. It wears me down so badly that I just can't even think clearly anymore. I feel run down many days and I fear crawling back in my bed to the unknown of what I may dream about. It scares me.....the uncertainty of what I may do when I wake from such an ugly nightmare.



Nothing to feel guilty for, hon. One cannot help one's dreams, so one is not at fault if the dream is so frightening that others are awakened by screams. It's not like you did it on purpose. ;o)

I guess we don't know, for sure, what dreams are for...but, it appears they are the brain's way of processing the day's events and getting things stored away in the proper bins (for lack of a more scientific way of putting it). Since depressed people tend to go over and over the same bad thoughts and feelings all the time, that might explain why these dreams continue, rather than their subjects being stored in the "to be forgotten" bin. Even more reason, I'd say, to give our best effort toward keeping our thinking positive, and our minds busy with good stuff. That way, all night long, the brain can be kept busy storing the beauty of life in the "remember always" bin.

I have a feeling, as you progress on this new adventure of yours, you're going to have more good things for your brain to process through your dreams. It will be fun to see how it all works!
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