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I was reading past posts about this but I have been obsessing over something. It's not a big deal, Im making it bigger than it is but it kinda bothered me. I sometimes think my therapist is cold. When Im in the waiting room and the therapist comes out, they dont say hi to me. Is that wierd? I dont see the therapist that often every couple of weeks but the last appointment was over a month and when I was there last the therapist said to me see you in a month. Does that mean they think I dont need to come in earlier. I said that I will wait for an earlier appointment if theres a cancellation but I am now worried that the therapist thinks I dont need to, when I want to go more often than eveyr month. I will definetly ask her next time. I kinda feel that I am not important anymore and I am taking up the therapists time. Maybe Im faking my issues again that sort of thing. Even though in reality I am being treated with meds as well etc..etc..
the therapist once said that they feel empathy towards me but I dont think thats enough for me. Maybe Im a needy person. Maybe I am expecting something that doesnt exist

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I suspect you're reading too much into what is probably just a personal style thing with your therapist.

It may be that s/he doesn't want to say "Hi, Boi" in the waiting room because that could identify you to other patients, or something along those lines.
my therapist doesn't say hello to me either when there are other clients there, and i agree that it's a protecting your privacy thing so as not to identify me and that i am her client (there are several therapists in the practice there, so i could be seeing any one of them.)

i would however bring up that you aren't happy with the frequency of the sessions and work that out, i think that is important.


I suspect you're reading too much into what is probably just a personal style thing with your therapist.

It may be that s/he doesn't want to say "Hi, Boi" in the waiting room because that could identify you to other patients, or something along those lines.

that makes me feel better I never looked at it that way. I guess Im taking it too personal

boi added 1 Minutes and 33 Seconds later...

my therapist doesn't say hello to me either when there are other clients there, and i agree that it's a protecting your privacy thing so as not to identify me and that i am her client (there are several therapists in the practice there, so i could be seeing any one of them.)

i would however bring up that you aren't happy with the frequency of the sessions and work that out, i think that is important.

k I do feel better I said to dr baxter..Im taking it too personal
I will bring up the frequency issue for sure. Maybe I am trying to find things wrong...
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Account Closed
I'm a little late in the game boi, but I just wanted to tell you that my psychologist doesn't acknowledge me in the waiting room either - and I rather appreciate it. It affords me a little anonymity at a time when I'm usually nervous about being there.:) - I'm happy you're feeling better boi :flowers:



hey jazzey,
thanks for your input as well. I do feel better now that I know it happens to other people.


...I do feel better now that I know it happens to other people.
I'm glad you're feeling better boi :) I have also experienced my psych not acknowledging me in the waiting room. Since I don't like to feel uncomfortable, I make a point myself of not looking in her direction - unless she is leaning over me to get something, and then it's really just a very small smile, the kind of thing you'd do with anyone you didn't know.
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