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no point

How do you know when to quit therapy? I have been going to a therapist for about 3 years. I'm also on antidepressants.

Lately I'm thinking of quitting therapy. I feel like I have nothing to talk about anymore. The reason I haven't quit therapy is because I still have self harm issues, anxiety issues and I'm still depressed although much less than I was before. I keep thinking maybe that's the way I am and that's the way I always will be.

I also feel like it's been a long time, you know, 3 years. I feel like I'm wasting money. I'm also scared of slipping if I quit therapy now. So anyways, how do you know when to quit therapy?
I am sorry that you are feeling confused about your therapy, have you talked though your concerns with your therapist?
Maybe you could have a break for a while and see how you get on, you can always go back if you need too.
hello no point, your post made me think of this article, maybe it can be of help?

Therapy Constipation - Psychlinks Psychology Self-Help & Mental Health Support Forum

the other thing is i can relate to some of what you say, and it can get quite confusing.

maybe it's time for a different therapist? maybe you need a break and then return to it? maybe you're not done but you are facing something really difficult right now that you'd rather run from? i am not saying any of these are what is going on but i am throwing this out there for you in case some of this resonates.


I can relate to the idea of quitting therapy however most times when I am feeling this way it is because I am afraid to move forward and face what I know that I need to.

Lately I'm thinking of quitting therapy. I feel like I have nothing to talk about anymore. The reason I haven't quit therapy is because I still have self harm issues, anxiety issues and I'm still depressed although much less than I was before.

If you are currently still self-harming then there is definitely still things to be talked about in your therapy. If you are still have urges then it may be helpful to try and pinpoint what your triggers are.

I also feel like it's been a long time, you know, 3 years. I feel like I'm wasting money.

I know that 3 years may seem like a long time but everyones journey takes a different amount of time and in my opinion therapy is never a waste of money.

Have you talked to your therapist about quitting? What does he/she think?

Take care


Resident Canuck
Hi there, No Point.

I understand the fustration of being symptomatic for many years. I too have been chronic for 5 years. I as well, self harmed. Although I have not now for over a year.

I have always reminded myself with coping with mental illness that I have to take "itty, bitty, baby steps" and always say "Rome wasn't built in a day" It takes time.

I also found the post Into The Light suggested from Daniel, to be very informative.



Hi no point :

from my perspective, if you were thinking of stopping therapy because you felt *better* then I would be more comfortable with your taking that step, but you say that you want to stop because "you have nothing to talk about anymore". That could easily be a sign of the very problem for which you are seeing your therapist, in which case, don't give up but include the therapist in your thoughts to help him/her help you to work through this time.

I'm sure that the articles refereed to by others here will have more to offer you in the way of practical advice. This was just my impression.

Thinking of you no point and wishing you well :hug:
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