More threads by Cat Dancer


Thanks for the welcome -y'all are very sweet! I'll lurk and read for a little while. :peek:

Sometimes I like to talk, I journal a lot and I like feedback. Since I'm in between therapists right now, I might call on y'all's opinions. Thanks for the welcome.


Thanks again. Thanks for not telling me to read Codependent No More!! That's what the other site members do to every single new person! !

I appreciate the welcome. Still reading.....


Account Closed
Welcome Blue Eyes.:welcome2:

I won't recommend Coodependent No More. :D

If you look in the "Just Chat" section you will find a "What are you currently reading" thread that may be of interest to you. :)


Wow, This is exactly what I just went through yesterday. The only way for me to make myself not go back to the unhealthy place was to ask to be deactivated. I still have emails of the "few" nice people there and will be in touch with them.
The administrator was the mean one. Taking screen shots of other forums to make fun of them, etc. I tried to help her see the error of her ways. I know she is seriously mentally ill, but finally I had to give up and get out for my own mental health.
She is a toxic person and will never change, or I couldn't help her anyway. It is a private place, so I won't give her website out, but people are leaving one by one as she attacks them. I predict that eventually everybody will leave. This person used to be my best friend, and I really wanted to change her or help her. What I got was nasty emails, instead. Finally said, enough is enough. Bah, humbug. :confused:
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