More threads by Lonewolf


Re: Happens more than once!

I would like to point out the new optimistic signature byline Lonewolf has replaced in her signature for everyone who has been helping her with support.

In 3 words I can sum up everything I have learned about goes on!!

It's satisfying to see you making small steps toward regaining control of your life, Lonewolf!



MVP, Forum Supporter
It is great that you continue talking your feelings out here Lonewolf and you are expressing yourself very well. Keep at it and know we are with you, and that anyone here would give you a cyberhug any time. And the day will come when you will be able to accept physical emotional support too.

You're doing well!! *Cyberhug*


Re: Happens more than once!

Unfortunately I have not been able to sort out a therapist at all, I was turned down by the mental health services and the r*** crisis isn't available for 6 months yet! My main help comes from my GP, support worker, my friends and yourselves! No therapy in sight!! But I'm still here and that's a start!!


MVP, Forum Supporter
You could look about for counselling services to start with there are many and not always well advertised by that I mean charity run rather or part of a scheme of some sort in you local area...

If you cannot find them yourself there should be a local mental health office of hub in scotland we have SAMH I don't know what your equivalent would be..but there is also up here local offices for mental health forums etc and they are very good at knowing who to contact.

The reason I say this is with all the best will in the world sometimes GP's, support workers and the like are not entirely wired into all the services out example is the therapist I see is a psychotherapist in the same building as my GP and half the practitioners in the building are not even aware of the service!

I know it is not easy to ask about but I find visiting a local Information center of help as you can just take leaflets away with you etc.

Finally I did not start with this therapist I went through a counsellor who knew of the service as she was basically a really good may not see the most suitable person to begin with but generally once you are in the loop a good therapist should know what is the best option therapy-wise for you and be able to refer you on.


Just want to cry today!! I can feel it in the back of my throat all the time!! I am fighting it cos I don't want to lose control!
It hurts more than i can tell you!!
Please don't be nice to me, I don't think I can take it!!
Sorry for being such a 'Sop' I don't want to be on my own right now! ! That's all!!
let the dam tears go hun ok let them out no use keeping them inside i learned that much that letting the emotions go does help to decrease the pain some hugs


Thanks lol, im lost in my own thoughts at the moment!! Everything is so jumbled up I don't have the faintest idea where to begin to sort it all out! Am feeling very vague and on auto pilot today!!
I appreciate you all being here for me!! Sorry, im not very good company, nothing cheerful to say!! Thanks again!!
It is good you are saying anything ok it is hard when you feel so alone but the resources are there they just have to be found by your doctor ok I hope your counseling can be started sooner keep calling them ok tell them you are not coping and need help now ok hugs
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