I was married for 11 years (dated for 5 before that). My husband left me a year and a half ago for a women he met in an online game. She lives in Canada we live in the US. I was devastated when he left. I did not see it coming. He called me on the phone to tell me he was not coming home and that he wanted a divorce. I found out a few days later he had an online affair for 6 months before he left. We have a 9 year old son that is doing very well thankfully. We have been able to keep things cordial and I think that helped our son alot. I am not doing so well though. I feel very angry and resentful. I worked 2 jobs for many years while my husband went to graduate school. Now he leaves me broke and scrounging to get by. He makes alot more $$ than me even after he pays me child support. I am so mad that the women he left me for now reaps the benefits of my supporting him while he went to school. I've been able to squash my anger towards him so we can maintain a cordial relationship for our son. All my anger seems to have moved onto the women he left me for (I knew her for several years before their affair). What's the best way to deal with these feelings? How long does it take to heal and feel "NORMAL" after a divorce? Everyone tells me it takes time.... but isn't a year and a half enough time? Why should I still feel this way?