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It is good to hear you now have an appointment. In the meantime, you need to focus on your own peace of mind, and not let the frustrations of family members provoke your feelings of anxiety.

The only way to work toward your goal, which in this case is your appointment in February, is to break the time down into manageable parts. In other words, your long term goal is made up of several short term goals, during which you will manage your feelings and work on containing your anxiety. First short term goal is the end of November, second short term goal, December and so on.

The strategy is to take on day at a time and celebrate the successes you might enjoy, always understanding there might be little set backs during that time due to circumstances beyond your control, but the successes usually outnumber the setbacks.

The upcoming Holiday season might be stressful, but if you prepare for it by, perhaps shedding other non essential activities, you might be better equipped to deal with the Holidays.

By concentrating on getting through one day at a time, and by celebrating your successes, hopefully the time until your appointment will be less difficult.

Make use of the support systems at your disposal including Psychlinks where you can feel free to vent and seek support whenever you need it.

You have made progress since you first joined us!
That is awhile, but you can make it. Did you ask them to get in touch with you if they have a cancellation or something like that? So you could get in sooner?


That is awhile, but you can make it. Did you ask them to get in touch with you if they have a cancellation or something like that? So you could get in sooner?

yes I did ask them..but because it is a community service and so many are in need of help they said they would try but I would probably just have to wait until my appt...they said I could use crisis four times in the mean time...and they do know how I am feeling and all so I was honest with them about that...after all I tell it like it is ...

and I have never broken down anything in my life I have always done things as they come at me which is usually all at once...and my brain is always thinking of ahead instead of one day at a time so i guess i am going to have to figure out how to do that...cause i am already thinking of the I will not be there with my family again this year which will be two years in a row...and I have never been away from my family for holidays....last year was so miserable and so I was already thinking how its going to be again this you were already ahead when you said something about holidays....

I dont feel like I made any progress since I joined here other than making an appt...thats all i see as making progress....but then again I am not in the right frame of mind to see anything right now but I guess you would know if I have or not....well thanks for the comment..


I dont feel like I made any progress since I joined here other than making an appt

Not to trivialize the appointment, but it is movement forward from your situation the day you first posted this discussion. On that day, you noted you were out of options and feeling suicidal and a week later you've made contact with an agency that can help, an appointment is made and you have succeeded in keeping youself safe for a week.

A jouney is a made up of a thousand steps, they say and although all your issues are not yet resolved, you have begun the journey with a few steps.

In my view, you've made progress.


well this will be my last post in this section for now i hope...I found something that I dont know why I got it but i did because i had liked it before so I bought one today...I bought a Jeff Dunham DVD today and I laughed so hard i had tears the first time in a long time I actually still am....thanks people for not giving up on me helping me make it this far....glad I am here....whoo hooo........yeeeee haaaaaa...yip yip..have a good night all...:2thumbs::lol::):D:jiggy:


well this will be my last post in this section for now i hope
Your posting in this thread has been a two way street. It has allowed you to find people who are aware of you and what you are up against, and it allows those who respond to feel good about themselves, that they have helped someone, somehow.:)


I just wanted to say, hang in there okay. I know how you feel right now because I am going through similar thoughts. I remember as a teenager, I was very suicidal and I had a lot of trouble finding help too. Finally I found a psychiatrist that pulled me out of my deep and dark hole. Unfortunately I feel like I'm back in that hole again. My family also does not support me - they make things worse. My mother has told me she loves me but doesn't like me. She is now an alcoholic. My Dad hates the fact that I'm overweight and can't seem to get past that. He is very critical and judgmental - I know he loves me and doesn't mean to be like this, but he is. I'm only now starting to realize at the age of 34 that I need to either end the relationship with my father or have it one-sided so that he can still be a part of my children's life (not telling him anything about my life). I know it seems like there are a lot of people out there that don't care. But there are people that do care. I care. I can relate to your emotional pain. I know how hard it is. Please continue to hang in there.


I read a book called Toxic Parent a little over a year ago..was very could try reading that one and get some insight to what might be going on with your family like I mother did not drink but she could be very emotionaly abusive if she wanted to be and everything was my fault or the fault of everyone else..nothing was ever hers..and we were suppose to make her happy she would buy you things to seem like she was tryiing to please you but in the end it was always to please herself..if she could make you happy then she was happy for a time until the next time she blew up about husband did that today in fact bought me somethiing to make me happy knowing we cant afford things right now but it made me smile somewhat because he cared but was only 10 dollars but that to me was 10 that could have been used for something else..I guess I think different than some...I just said thank you and left it at need to say anything...I am trying to hang in there...I did get out of the house today and had a nice talk with the lady at the antique shop...was kind of strange talking to someone I didnt know becaue I am usuly not the type to talk to anyone...I have a social phobe...I guess...but if you could hang in for the time you have you can most certainly do it again to...emotional pain is not something I could ever wish upon anyone...not even my most worst enemy....but I am hangiing in thanks for sharing a bit with was thoughtful


This is just off the top of my head but, are there any universities near where you live? I'm pretty sure that Psycologists in training, mental health nurses (or interns), and Psychiatrists in training there need a client to get experience hours with, and they'd be free, might look in to that. Hang in there my friend, I've been there before, the best thing I can tell you now is that everything changes, it will all pass and someday you will look back on it and be glad you didn't do anything irrational, and you'll be a better person for having gone through what you are going through now. No matter how much you believe it, thinking that your current sorrows will continue for the rest of your life is FALSE. It can be surprising how fast your life perspective can change, until then, it's best not to fight your depression, but rather to let it pass.

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