More threads by Cat Dancer

and it is still SO sore! It's almost making me feel sick. Does anyone know if there's anything I can do to speed up the healing process for a big sore on the inside of one's mouth? Wah! (This probably sounds silly, but it really hurts.)


Account Closed
I've done that before and it is really sore - I rinse my mouth with salt water (plain table salt or corse salt) at least a couple of times a day. It relieves the pain and, disinfects....I find it really helps.


There's also the stuff you can get from the druggist for mouth sores. I'll be darned if I can't think of the name of it right now...but it works great :) Too bad I don't remember what it's's a gel, comes in a tube...used alot for canker sores...


Resident Canuck
Is it Dequadin Turtle?

That is what I use. It is an anti-fungal losenge.

Just be sure you ask the pharmacist Cat Dancer. Incase there is any interactions with meds.
Theres a product called Bonjela, not sure if its available in Candian/US its great for mouth ulcers etc, thats all I can think of.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Also, neosporin is an antibiotic treatment I believe - that's not going to help a bite unless it becomes infected.

One of the cortisone creams might help a wound but not inside the mouth.

It will heal itself in time but cuts or sores in the mouth do seem to take longer to heal than external injuries.

Daniel E.
And I remember my dentist saying it would take 2 weeks when I had a sore in my mouth. Though that was a canker sore, the point is it takes longer than one would think or hope.


Resident Canuck
Coincidently, yesterday I bit the inside of my mouth pretty good too. :blush: You are not alone Cat Dancer. Hardest thing is trying not to keep biting it when I eat.

Hope your feeling better Cat Dancer. :hug:

Daniel E.
CD (and now NN as well?):

The aftercare tips for people who get their lips pierced (intentionally!) seems to give some of the same tips mentioned earlier, mostly regarding rinsing:

Use either one or both of the following solutions for inside the mouth:

- Antimicrobial or antibacterial alcohol-free mouth rinse*
- Packaged sterile saline solution* with no additives (read the label!) or non-iodized sea salt mixture: Dissolve 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon of non-iodized (iodine free) sea salt into one cup (8 oz) of warm distilled or bottled water. A stronger mixture is not better! Saline solution that is too strong can irritate the piercing. (If you have high blood pressure or a heart condition, please check with your doctor before using a saline product inside the mouth as your primary cleaning solution.)

Rinse mouth 4-5 times daily with cleaning solution for 30-60 seconds after meals and at bedtime during the entire healing period. If you over clean, it may cause discoloration or irritation of tongue.


Resident Canuck
Thank you Daniel :D

I will try those :friends:

I was eating this amazing french fry dish, honestly :lol: I knew I did it, but didn't realize how bad until today when I woke up :blush:

I took the picture to show you Daniel. :)
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Account Closed
:D - Poor may be a little too close to New Year's resolutions?...those fries do look awfully appetizing....
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