Hello all, I have posted here before, but I decided to post in here because I have not posted in a long time. I am in need of some advice before I act. FYI, I have been struggling in college for the past few years. This semester will be my worst. I am/will fail all of my classes. The one thing that has changed is that I dont care as much anymore. The stress created by failure now is much less than it was a year ago and I am wondering why. In general, I cant say much else about myself because I am incredibly unsure about my feelings. At times I feel very depressed, and at other times I feel hopeful, enjoy the weather, enjoy people, and look forward to the future. At times I actually do homework, and at other times I do nothing and dont go to class at all. At times I have a job and do not mind it, and at other times I have a very hard time dealing with work. On some days I get everything done (I wake up early, go to classes, go to work, study, eat well) and then the next day I willl sleep until the afternoon, eat poorly, play video games/poker all night. Sometimes I can go to a party and sweep the best looking girl off her feet, and other times I have no confidence at all, and dont get past 5 minutes of conversation. Overall, I am utterly confused about my mental state. I believe my condition is a mix of Depression/Sleep disorder/Anxiety/ADD. All of which intensify eachother and feed off of eachother. I have not been diagnosed with any of this, but I have had 3-4 trips to a psychologist/psychiatrist and have expressed these issues but never followed through on medication/further treatment. I would like to do it this time, but I am wondering now if I even need to go to one because I believe all of my issues are solvable internally. I believe they are solvable because I believe I have a massive grip on all of my problems AND solutions, I just never really follow through. Again, I believe I have an excellent degree of understanding of my problems, I just never really am able to get things done on a consistent basis. Should I go ahead and get treatment?