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Hi there...

I've been getting some info off of various websites. Mostly my purpose here is to educate myself (I've always been interested in how the mind works). The reason is because I have had some Cognitive/Behavioural Therapy with a psychologist and after a few years of sessions I feel more confident about what I need to do.

My mother (my psychologist thinks) has Narcissistic Personality Disorder. She is controlling, manipulative, and emotionally and psychologically abusive. Anyone who has a relationship with someone with NPD knows what I am talking about.

My life involved a lot of emotion-swallowing. I became a lot like my dad. My dad enables my mother. He was emotionally and physically abused when he was a child by his own father (and his mother was very passive, like he is)... In order to keep the peace and not be a boat-rocker and upset the crazy one, I walked on egg-shells. I was not allowed to excel at much because it would make one of my brothers feel terrible about himself (the one my mother treated as her special project). The other brother I had never seemed to have any rules placed on him or restrictions. I think because I reminded my mother most of herself, she made me feel the most worthless and wrapped me around her fingers (or wrapped her fingers around my neck). I was always expected to be 'the example' for my siblings, be responsible, be the one looking after my younger brothers. If they did something wrong, it would be my fault.

Of course when you are a child, everything in your family is what you think is in everyone's family, so you think that everything is normal until you manage to get out of that environment for a while. My mom is still like that, and my dad still enables her. I have taken steps to distance myself from both of them, although it sure helped when they moved away!

The reason I finally went to talk to a psychologist several years ago was because I had a sort of nervous breakdown at work. It probably wasn't exactly a nervous breakdown, but I was full of anxiety and it was because of the type of work environment I was in. There was no managers from my department in the same province as me, for one, and the trainer/mentor that was helping me do my job long distance was telling me to do things one way, and my managers in a completely different province from my trainer were telling me to do things completely another way. The other issue was that I was supposed to be office support, but the company I had trained with was merged with another company. Essentially the people that trained and managed me wanted me to completely change the way the old system was, when the original employees that were there were used to doing things a completely different way. In retrospect it was like I was expected to manage things on my own. It was a very poisonous work environment, and one day I just broke down and went out in back of the building and cried for about an hour. Then I went on stress leave. I had never ever sought counseling before. So that's what started me on my road to healing. I had a Cognitive/Behavioural Psychologist help me. I realized that I had made some poor relationship (and work) choices because I was trying to do things like the way things were done in my family.

I've already been poking around here, and this environment seems very safe and supportive. It's been a lot easier for me to put my mother (and by association, my father as well) at arms length. I have blocked my mother's phone calls. Sometimes my father isn't even aware that she is calling us. She has done this a few times when calling my dad's mother, and my mom will hang up on my 90-something year old gramma because my gramma wants to talk to my dad or because my gramma tries to interrupt or disagree with my mom.

I am finding strength with reading forums like this because I definitely feel less alone. I have even told my parents that I prefer to keep only email communication open for now because when I call them, my mom takes over the conversation and my dad never says anything, and when I am done my conversations I don't feel very good about myself.

I just don't want to fall prey to the old feelings of guilt, where to protect myself from my own mother it makes me feel like a bad daughter. But I am so tired of her pushing my buttons, and lying, and trying to take advantage of our relationship. How can I keep going back to that? I feel like Prometheus, a Titan who stole fire from heaven for man. Zeus punished him by chaining him to rock in Caucasus where vultures devoured his liver daily. I'm no Titan, though, lol... I feel so weak, like my mother is a vulture who likes to beat me down daily and devour any self-esteem I might be clinging to.

I have two brothers. One middle brother who seems to have some kind of learning disability or possibly even Schizophrenia, but I don't know if that's just him, or if he had help from my mother to make him even more ill... My other youngest brother doesn't communicate with my parents either, except by the occasional email - my mother turned into a she-devil when he got married. She managed to make my sister-in-law feel physically ill from anxiety and lack of sleep.

My mother has managed to isolate herself really well, because she is so clingy. She only hangs around people she thinks are worthy. But those people tire of her quickly, or eventually. Because she'll suck the life out of you by pouring out her troubles on your lap. She will plead and beg and whine one day and then turn around and lash out like a viper if she doesn't get her way. I am torn between feeling sorry for her, and being very very angry at her. She has done things that I feel are reprehensible and borderline criminal. Or at least unethical.

Anyway, enough blathering about all that. I appreciate everyone's help. For a while there I was starting to wonder if my mother was more psychopath than just a personality disorder, but upon more studying into the situation, it looks like she is less of a psycho than I thought. Mind you, definitions of this and that seem to be shifting these days, so it might be harder to figure out. Either way, as I discovered earlier, it doesn't really matter what's wrong with her, it's more that I have taken steps to protect myself from her that counts.

Narcissistic people don't think there's anything wrong with themselves, naturally, so it's rare for any of them to get treatment. Instead it's us 'victims' that have to seek the help from their reign of terror! lol

I've got a blog that I have been adding links to help with researching various issues in my past and my interests in the possibly future, but I am not sure I am allowed to post it here. I have also posted a lot of my own ponderings and some information from other relatives (I had to really really protect their identities, they didn't want specific information or even initials or whether they were aunts/uncles/cousins etc because that is how afraid they are of my mother wreaking havoc upon them!)... So some of my statements are very general, while others are more candid snapshots. I figured anecdotal information might help some people recognize what the heck is the matter with someone in their relationship/family member -- maybe some of the things I went through won't be for nothing, maybe I can help point someone in the right direction. For instance, I did post a link to this site on my blog.

Thanks for listening!

PS: I am hoping this is the correct way to publish a thread under the New Members: Introductions, so please forgive me if I messed up...
Okay, Mother's Day is tomorrow.

I've decided to send an e-card. I'm not mailing out a card (I can never find one that isn't too sentimental/Mother-Worshippy/gushy garbage). I am not sending flowers.

I was thinking of just keeping it short and simple.

It crossed my mind that I could ask her to seek help, or at least give her more of an explanation as to why I've taken these measures (blocking her, not calling her, restricting communications to emails only). I suppose one could describe that as a Mother's Day Present, in that it is, in fact, the truth instead of pretending everything is wonderful.

lol Is there ever a good time to "tell it like it is?"

It's sometimes difficult to 'feel' how the person is 'talking' or what the voice 'sounds' like in someone else's head when they read it. If I know my mother, she will read it like I am screaming at her, and she will melt into a puddle of crocodile tears and moan about how awful I am to my dad. And of course he will comfort her and agree with her and not say anything in my defense.

I was wondering if I could poll around and ask people what they think? Should I just say, "Happy Mother's Day. From, your daughter (my name)" and leave it at that?

Or should I say something like (sorry it's so long):

Dear Mom,

I want to be able to feel like you are actually a mother to me. I wanted to get you a card but they all gush about how wonderful mothers are. I wanted to get you flowers, but again, it doesn't reflect how I am feeling right now. I want to love you.

The reason I find it hard to have a relationship with you is because I don't truly believe you are capable of having one with me. You may not realize it, but you project a lot of things on me (and others) and sometimes it's like you are talking about yourself, but about other people. You have to be in control every single second. You can't relax. I don't think you realize this but I feel you are quite ill. You have told me that you aren't interested in seeking help, and that you give up these things to God. When I hear that, it sounds like an excuse not to seek help, or that you don't think anything is wrong.

You also trouble me because you act one way when it's just you and me, but when Dad is present, you act completely different. You fool him into thinking you never do anything to your children, and he enables you because he won't help us. He won't even help himself. You have tantrums when you don't have your way. You will try to get your way, at first by begging and pleading, and then turn around and lash out and get vindictive. And whenever you do something that shocks or offends someone else, you never take responsibility. You make it sound like the ones who are trying to protect themselves are the bad people, simply because they have their own opinions and mind and lives. People react negatively to your behaviour because your behaviour is unacceptable. You only feel rejected and angry because of their reactions, but you never seem to realize or accept that you are the cause of this rejection.

I feel really angry and sad that we can't have a normal relationship. It just feels to me that I was mothering you. I've never felt mothered. Sadly, I've felt smothered.

It is my hope that you seek help from a psychiatrist or psychologist. I know this will be hard to accept, because you only see what is wrong with other people and not what is wrong inside yourself. But I pray that you do something to help yourself. Somewhere inside you, it's possible that there is a lost little girl, who thinks somehow that the only way to get love is to make people love you. You think that loving people means controlling them. You have such intense fear that no one will love you that you cling and try manipulate people into being a part of your life. You give gifts that are not gifts: they are tools to manipulate and control. Why do you think I rarely accept things from you anymore? The last time I did accept something, you did just as I suspected. You wanted us to do something for you.

On some level I really love you. But that's probably why I am so sad and angry. If I wasn't sad and angry, it would be because I didn't care. But because of things you've done, I am sad and angry. So don't try to tell me I'm too sensitive and ask me if it is my "time of the month" and don't offer me drugs to "help ease my mind." Those are methods that undermine me and belittle my feelings. The reason I feel how I feel is not because of things I have done or because of my body chemistry. I feel those things because you affect me negatively. It's called "gaslighting" when you try to deceive me into thinking it is my fault for me reacting negatively to your negative behaviour.

Right now I still do not have the strength to pick up the phone and call you. If I try to talk to you verbally about this, you are still very good at pushing my buttons and manipulating me. I don't want to argue with you anymore about who is right and wrong. If it is that important for you to be right all the time, if you can't seek help because you don't want to admit there is anything wrong with the way you think and how you handle emotions, then you are effectively sealing yourself off from me. You have lost a lot of friends and family for the same reason and now you have moved to another part of the country in a desperate attempt to latch onto some more friends. I wonder how long it will last if you keep up your same habits.

I know it may not be entirely your fault, as some of these behaviours are caused by the way you were raised. I remember when you said to me that you always felt that you had to compete with your brother and sisters, that you always had to get affection by doing things instead of just being loved for who you are. If that is the case, then I know exactly how you feel. Your mom was ill, and so is mine.

Good luck and no matter what happens, I will always have a place for you in my heart.
- (my name) -

---------- Post added at 08:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:42 PM ----------

I'm a little antsy about this, but I will try to post it somewhere else unrelated to this thread... Because I kind of would like some input on this...

I will re-post this in a fresh thread, with the Subject "Happy Narcissistic Mother's Day."


MVP, Forum Supporter
Keep it short and simple. You can only change you not your mother so look towards changing your reaction to her behaviour not her behaviour. Trying to change her is an impossible task and will likely meet with failure and cause you more unhappiness. Good luck with your choice

Yep, I was thinking that.

OK, since my husband, you (RDW) and Dr. Baxter all say the same things, it must be true! lol In fact, a little voice in my head was saying the same thing. But as I may have mentioned, I need validation on stuff, because sometimes I'm insecure and don't trust myself.

So thank you! 8)

Short and simple it is...


MVP, Forum Supporter
Great choice- take the high road! One of the thngs I really had to work on was validating and believing in myself. It was a difficult task but with time it improved and my feelings about myself improved. Believe it or not I learned to trust ME not the thoughts in my head or the opinions of others. I say that so you might think about making that your focus and not your mom. My therapist said to me " You can't make anyone like you" I was shocked - what I am a nice person - how can that be. She went onto to say "But you can learn to like and love yourself and make you a priority". Again what? To my mind that was selfish behaviour and unthinkable - my therapist calls it self-care. I had much to learn but I am working very hard to learn that lesson well. I hope you find the strength and will to work on you - let your mother work on herself or not.
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