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this is such a great site. i am glad i found you. i feel compelled to share an experiene about marriage, outsiders and the decision to leave. when i left my husband no one was happy and it was very violent. my father tried to run me down, my parents disowned me and took in the husband, my grandparents threatened to disinherite, i was faced with the options of being institutionalized, loose my kids and and. after thinking about it, i knew i was right and they were all wrong and i could not leave my kids in that environment (for the sake of the children). so i took them and left. i am still here 20 years later, the world didn't cave in and i still won't lay down and die for a man(my life long saying). thank you very much. this has for the moment put things into perspective. thank you:)))


We're thrilled you found us, as well, stressor! It's good to read your story. Your strength and determination, and the fact that you have (as you said) survived, gives others the realization that they, too, can survive what seem to be insurmountable difficulties. Thanks for sharing! :hug:


We are glad that you found us too Stressor. I just wanted to say that you are a very courageous person and I admire your determination. :)

Take Care
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