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Hello Everyone,
Please point to me to correct forum if i am posting to wrong forum.
my parents have been married more than 30 years. they are living alone in my native country. Since couple of years my mother has started doubting my father is having an affair and he is mixing something in the food/water to harm her. She otherwise seems perfectly normal. I think this thing started once me and my sister moved out from home.
What can i do under this situation ? How can my mother be cured ?


Hello Chimi,

If someone believes thier husband is putting poison in their food and having an affair, it may be symptoms of paranoia.

You could try to have your mother visit her family doctor for symptoms she may be experiencing that she should see a docotr for. Look for something such as having problems sleeping, losing weight, headaches, menopause symtpoms, yearly check-up. If you can find some kind of symptoms (other than the paranoia) that will convince her to see the family doctor it will be the beginning of getting your mom help.

Have everyone in the family write or tell the doctor what they have been seeing in your mom so the doctor has this information before she goes to her appoinment. The doctor will then have her tested for any physical causes of her paranoia.

Even if you can't find a way to get her to the family doctor, go and talk to the doctor about your mother and ask if he has any suggestions for you to get her help.

Good luck


HeartArt said:
Hello Chimi,

If someone believes thier husband is putting poison in their food and having an affair, it may be symptoms of paranoia.

You could try to have your mother visit her family doctor for symptoms she may be experiencing that she should see a docotr for. Look for something such as having problems sleeping, losing weight, headaches, menopause symtpoms, yearly check-up. If you can find some kind of symptoms (other than the paranoia) that will convince her to see the family doctor it will be the beginning of getting your mom help.

Have everyone in the family write or tell the doctor what they have been seeing in your mom so the doctor has this information before she goes to her appoinment. The doctor will then have her tested for any physical causes of her paranoia.

Even if you can't find a way to get her to the family doctor, go and talk to the doctor about your mother and ask if he has any suggestions for you to get her help.

Good luck

thanks. I am trying so that she can see the doctor. Both my parents will go there. She has a lot of problems physically too. We have try to reason with her that but she is very sure that what she is thinking is correct.


Is there someone familiar with the situation other then your dad that can take your mom to the dr? She might not feel comfortable with your dad there and telling the doctor what she suspects. Plus if, and I am not saying that it is true, but if it is, then dad can try to talk dr out of testing for things.

I hope this isnt true, this would be so sad


Fortunately my mother has aggreed to go to a doctor. She is seeing a lasy doctor. I am planning to contact doctor also. my father is a caring person and from my mother's talks it is quite clear that whatever she is thinking is not true.
I think what my mother has is called Delusional Disorder ( paranoia ).
Lady doctor is giving her medicine and has asked my mother to trust her to one month. I asked my father to see doctor too so that he undertands how to tackle the situation.
Sounds like things are definitely going in the right direction - That's excellent! It's great that you and your father are also going to see the doctor to learn how to best support your mom and yourselves.

Dealing with someone so close to you who is experiencing paranoia can confusing, sad and scary. It sounds like you are all in a great position to work through this.

Please keep us posted.
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