I tried that for some of the topics but then still couldn't really get into the topics, or feel like we were connecting in any way with anything important or 'emotionally connecting' (not that I should want that).And just stating the topic is good. Even if you're not 100% clear on the topic, raise it as something you're confused about or bothered about or just unclear about. Then leave it to the therapist to ask whatever questions he needs to help both of you clarify the issue.
Some of the other topics we briefly discussed during the more introductory questions but then I didn't know what to elaborate with and so I couldn't think of what to do but to strike them off the list as already being done.
One topic I'd written was that I need to figure out a plan for when I'm going to take a holiday break and use up some leave while state borders may or may not be open by the time xmas comes around. He asked me in various ways what I would like to do but I just don't know and I don't know how I would know. I told him that but the topic just stalled there. It wasn't until today that I realised that I needed to ask him for help with how I can figure out what I want to do. Then it might've gone somewhere. But I just get so stuck and unable to come up with anything. And he gets stuck with how to deal with me when that happens.