Some problems can't be solved directly, anyway -- at least, not easily. So an indirect approach may work better.
Wow. You are in full self-loathing mode today, @gooblaxYou’re not doing yourself any good by dwelling in self-hatred.
Even playing a video game counts.
They use virtual reality gaming for burn patients. So I sometimes wish I was a gamer for my OCD, haha. I do think everyday computer use will be more active in the future, e.g. doing computer tasks using smartglasses while walking the dog.
Another metaphor for the inner child is the "reactive mind" or "monkey mind" in mindfulness as opposed to the "wise mind," etc.
with less influence from the higher cortex.
I'm even less of a fan of the DBT terms. They just seem insulting to me.In other words, a more reflexive "lower brain" or brainstem reaction with less influence from the higher cortex.
All this just goes to show I was right all along. I never deserved "help" and my stuff is all fake bullshit to get away with not trying.
I'm sorry for wasting everyone's time for so long.