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Something I have only casually mentioned in therapy is that when I was a child, my 3 older brothers sexually abused me. I don't know when it started because I don't remember it ever not happening. Some of it I remember clearly and some of it is foggy and vague. It pretty much continued until I was 17 and left home.

My mother knew what was happening, she saw it happening many times. She would beat me for it, until I bled, and would tell me it was my fault because I was a girl. She said that's just how 'males' are, and that's just what they do,and if it happened to me, it was my fault(something she said whenever she knew anyone abused me). She treated me like I was this awful little girl that wanted these things to happen and assumed I was instigating these things. She never punished the boys for it because 'boys will be boys'.

The truth is, when I was very young, I don't think I knew it was wrong. It was just something that was done to me and I was used to it. When I was a little bit older, my brothers saw the neighbor boy(a teenager) molest me,and they used that against me. They threatened to tell mom what had been done to me so that I would do what they wanted. They knew I didn't want to be beaten for what Tom had done to me, so their threats worked(which,by the way, if mom would have found out,she would have beat me for it). They also used that to take my toys,my food,and to get me to do their chores for them. I was threatened and bribed with that on a daily basis.

I refused my dad when I was 15, I woke up with him on top of me, and fought him off of me, and he went to my mom and told her I had been in my brother's bedroom and was doing stuff with him, I think he did that to cover his own butt.He wanted to make me look bad,which worked. I didn't bother telling my mom what had really happened because I knew she wouldn't believe me anyway. It seemed like no matter what happened, I was always blamed. I always looked like this little whore that went around doing sexual things with every male I was around. I was very ashamed of everything that was going on, but I didn't know how to stop it.

I guess I haven't really talked about it in therapy that much because I still feel so much shame over it. I should have put a stop to it somehow,especially when I was older. Plus,there were many times I didn't mind it being done to me when I was real young, times I even liked it. It's such a hard subject to talk about, and I have so many different feelings about it all, and it feels so shameful to discuss. I don't know who is to blame, I blame myself for it all, but after watching something on tv last night, I have been thinking about it and trying to figure it all out. Sometimes I am not even sure it should be called 'abuse' since a majority of the time I was a willing participant. And because I didn't put a stop to it.

I haven't found anything here about sibling incest, so I guess I am looking for help and info.

---------- Post Merged at 08:28 AM ---------- Previous Post was at 07:16 AM ----------

It seems like I may have already talked about this,If I have,sorry for repeating myself.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I don't know that there is anything fundamentally different about sibling incest than any other form of childhood sexual abuse. The basic elements are the same:

  • victim younger than abuser, often too young at the beginning to fully understand what is happening
  • abuser in a position of power and/or authority over victim
  • abuser uses threats, intimidation, and fear to obtain compliance, sometimes alternating with gifts or favors or special attentions
  • victim fears disclosing the abuse because worries or knows s/he won't be believed and may be punished or blamed

This is definitely something you should try to discuss with your therapist. It will be difficult if not impossible for you to resolve what happened on your own.
YOUR mother was sick to say such things never your fault never ok talk to your therapist god you need to talk to someone who can help you understand to help you heal hugs


I relly hope you can bring this up with your therapist. It's a lot of trauma to keep inside and you don't have to anymore. Please let your therapist help you be free from the grip these people had over you so you can live more freely.


We were talking about shame in another thread. It's a powerful, horrible emotion.
But there is no way (and I know that this is easy for me to say) you should feel any shame.
Horrible things were done to an innocent child (you) and I consider a teenager to be a child as well - I'm so sorry.
Yes please follow the advice of others and talk about it with your therapist - let them help you.


I don't know that there is anything fundamentally different about sibling incest than any other form of childhood sexual abuse. The basic elements are the same.

It seems different than other sexual abuse that I experienced. I know what I wrote sounds horrible, but it doesn't really feel that way. It just seems more like something that happened, not like 'trauma' or anything.But maybe that's because it wasn't that bad compared to some of the other things I went through. Or maybe because I loved my brothers. I don't know, I don't understand why I feel the way I do about it.

The reason I posted about it was on the tv show I watched, they said it was important for a person to seek therapy,and that it would take many years to work through something like that. I was just surprised by that statement. And I started wondering if maybe it affects me more than I realize.


I'm not in your head obviously so I don't know how you feel, but I know for me, the abuse I endured growing up was my "normal", ie I didn't know anything different. It wasn't until I was an adult that I realized how deeply it did affect me. Your therapist can help you sort out the emotions involved and help you stay emotionally safe if you choose to go down this road.


I have been doing trauma therapy for over 2 years, this seems minor in comparison. Is it a necessary road to go down?


I'm not sure if it's necessary. That would be a really good question for your therapist. There are so many factors to consider when working through different topics in therapy. I would guess that the fact that you brought it up is an indication that it's on your mind and therefore worth mentioning at therapy, and you did state in your first post that you are looking for help and info on this topic.

Just out of curiosity, why are you minimizing the impact this may have had on your life?


I'm not sure why I'm minimizing it, to be honest. As I said before, sometimes I'm not even sure it should be called 'abuse'. I'm really confused about the whole thing now after watching what I did on TV last night.

And yes, I did say I am looking for help and info. First I think I need help recognizing it as abuse. How can it be abuse if my brothers were children themselves when it first started? How can it be abuse if I was a willing participant alot of the time?

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
First I think I need help recognizing it as abuse. How can it be abuse if my brothers were children themselves when it first started?

Because they were older and bigger and had power over you. Because they knew what they were doing and, at least in the beginning, you didn't.

How can it be abuse if I was a willing participant alot of the time?

What does "willing participant" mean in this context? It can indeed seem complicated but there can never be true "consent" where there is a significant imbalance in power or authority.


I don't know that you were a willing participant as much as you may have resigned yourself to the fact that that was your life at the time. Like David says, there was a serious imbalance of power and as a child you cannot consent to such an act. In fact, you didn't even have the opportunity to consent. I don't believe you were willing. I believe you didn't know any other options or way of existing. You may have detached emotionally so that it didn't destroy you emotionally. I am speculating here - I think with some work through therapy you will find the answers to these and undoubtedly many other questions.


True. I wasn't a willing participant,and I didn't have the opportunity to consent.And I have been making it all 'ok' by trying to convince myself otherwise. Nobody likes to admit that they were sexually abused by their own brothers until they were old enough to leave their home. But that's what happened.

I lied when I said I don't feel like it was abuse. It was.And I get so mad that my mom blamed me and didn't do anything about it. But it's all so confusing because I don't hate or blame my brothers because it's what they were taught to do, they learned from watching.

The only thing I have been able to do all these years is just push it out of my mind, or I should say 'try' to push it out of my mind.


I can understand a lot of your thinking and struggling with this. I wasn't molested but I was badly abused by my brother. I thought I dealt with it in therapy but I'm not sure if I have...or if I have enough. It took me a long, long time to accept that it actually was abuse, and I still struggle with that word. Who wants to believe that the very people who were supposed to protect them, look out for them, and love them, would abuse them? Isn't it much easier to think that it was normal, ok, and life goes on? It's probably easier, yes, but I think in the long term it creates a lot of issues within our adult lives, relationships, ability to trust, etc.

Pushing it out of our mind is easy - I don't disagree for one second. But I think that as long as we do that, the abuse is continuing because it still has power over us. I think once we deal with it, only then are we no longer under it's power.

I think you're really, really brave for coming out this far with it. It's definitely a great first step towards healing.
Your brothers knew right from wrong they knew and they were old enough to know that it was abuse and i think talking to your therapist will help you see that
I too minimize what happen because then i don't have to deal with it. Pushing it away burying all those emotions it doesn't work but dealing with what happen will take a lot of strength you will need to be with a therapist who deals with trauma and who knows how to guide you safely through it all.
Hey, just know, it wasn't your fault... Even if it felt good sometimes: you can't help that part - it's physical/natural to do that to oneself, but it's not your fault you were introduced to it by other people in your life. When it isn't yourself doing it, and you have no power, and you are abused, not removed or saved from that situation, or blamed, you are NOT the one at fault. Especially children. I know because I am a former victim as well. I told my therapist about it. I had to write him a note to read during our session because I was too ashamed...

Maybe some of these links will help at least, while you are considering talking to your therapist...

From Survivor to Thriver: Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (ASCA SM) is an international self-help support group program designed specifically for adult survivors of neglect, physical, sexual, and/or emotional abuse.
ASCA - Adult Survivors of Child Abuse

Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Assault: RAINN (RAPE, ABUSE & INCEST NATIONAL NETWORK)
CAVEAT: The following descriptions are meant to serve as a general guideline for how a victim of sexual assault might react in a time of pain or crisis. It is important to recognize, however, that each victim of sexual assault will have his or her own life experiences and personality that will influence how he or she react to the assault.
Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Assault | RAINN | Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network

Working with adult survivors of child sexual assault
By Lesley Hewitt and Carolyn Worth -- Victims like us: the development of the Victorian CASAs

Adult Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse
If you were raped or sexually abused as a child, the first thing you should know is that it is not your fault, you did not cause it, and you are not to blame in any way, despite what you may have been told.
Welcome | Adult Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse | Support and Counseling | DC Rape Crisis Center

Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse
Adapted from: The National Committee for Prevention of Child Abuse Publication, 1990.

Forums for Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse and Sexual Assault -- Recovery Canada
The general forum for supporters is open to all people who support survivors of sexual abuse and sexual assault. It is password-protected, in order to limit its members to only those who support survivors. We hope that this will be a place where you can feel secure in sharing with others the struggles and joys that you experience along the way.

Adult Manifestations of Childhood Sexual Abuse
The American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress
The American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress? is a multidisciplinary network of professionals who are committed to the advancement of intervention for survivors of trauma.

People Recovering from Trauma | PTSD | Dissociation |
MANY VOICES: News, Art Gallery, Books, Letters, Links, Newsletter, Sharing, etc

HAVOCA - Help for Adult Victims of Child Abuse
Welcome to HAVOCA. We provide support, friendship and advice for any adult who's life has been affected by childhood abuse.

Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Resources - Public Health Agency of Canada
Public Health Agency of Canada

Adult Survivors of Child Sexual Assault - Women and Gender Advocacy Center
Women and Gender Advocacy Center in Colorado

Adults Surviving Child Abuse: Self Help Resources
self-help resources

Incest Survivors Support Group - DailyStrength
Incest refers to any sexual activity between closely related persons (often within the immediate family) that is illegal or socially taboo

Why Child Sexual Abuse Can NEVER Be Your Fault | Pandora's Project
As survivors of childhood sexual abuse, we often grow up blaming ourselves for the abuse that we suffered at the hands of others.

Guidance Systems: Sexual Abuse: It's Not Your Fault
Elementary aged students present real-life scenarios of sexual abuse and the resulting emotional impact. Follow the children from the beginning to end to identify what sexual harassment is, how to handle this serious issue and establish available age-appropriate solutions.

Sexual Abuse: It's Not Your Fault
By dana825
Sexual abuse is ANY unwanted sexual contact. Sometimes, it is hard because that contact may feel wanted and it causes internal conflict because it feels good but you hate yourself for it. This is normal and something that nobody has to go through alone. Many victims of sexual abuse don't tell anyone because they feel that they will lose the love of the people they care about if anyone finds out.

Prevention Programs: Child Sexual Abuse

It's Not Your Fault - Refine Us
Today, I want to share something with the 39 out of 100 of you that are reading this that have been abused that you need to hear: Your abuse was not your fault.
You didn’t cause it.
You didn’t deserve it.
You didn’t do anything wrong.
You aren’t to blame.
It’s not your fault.

It's Never Ever Your Fault
by Rose Grier
You have arrived at a Website designed for kids who have been traumatized by abuse. If you are such an individual, understand what has happened to you is not, in any way, your fault. Regardless of the type of abuse you have suffered, it is “never ever your fault.” You are a survivor. Find here a new and refreshing approach to help you with self-esteem and accountability issues using colorful art and no nonsense witticism customized to speak to you through your modern-day concepts. I understand too; I am a survivor like you. Rose Grier

Sexual Abuse-It happens-It's Criminal-It's Not your Fault!
Family Resource Centre
Not a problem at all... I have all these saved somewhere else. I needed them, some people in my group that I admin needed em, and now it's obvious to me that you need em here.... 8) ♥


Full Member, Forum Supporter
One of the things to remember is that they knew it was wrong, your brothers, father, mother and neighbor. Their actions, their shame and their manipulations show this.

As a child it doesn't matter whether you hated it, liked it, or weren't sure. As a child with a child's mind you just don't have the experience to understand the context, the intentions or why it might be wrong and that it can stay with you for life. A child doesn't know this and isn't expected to. A child should be allowed to remain a child.
Do not ever judge yourself because you did not say no, or fight or whatever. It is very common for a victim to comply on different levels...just to survive the day. And you did that. You survived.

Learning to appreciate this will help you gradually heal. But also, learning to understand all of those muted and confused feelings will go a very long ways. You never truly get rid of the feelings but at least understanding *WHY* they are there weakens them. It can give you peace and let you love yourself as a good person again.

My three sisters were molested and at 40 - 50 they still bear the scars but are making progress in finding peace with themselves. This forum is a really wonderful place to chat and talk to others. If it helps you to move further in the healing process then it has been worth it.

---------- Post Merged at 04:01 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 03:56 PM ----------

Turtle, I really like this. Well put:
" the abuse is continuing because it still has power over us"

---------- Post Merged at 04:19 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 03:56 PM ----------

We minimize it because that is the only way that we can cope with it sometimes. We say that we are OK with it so that we *can* be OK with it. And when that doesn't work we may deny to ourselves that it even happens, we may hide the memory from ourselves. One of my sisters did that.
Of course this is only a weak and temporary solution and always leaves us in pain.

You are right that your brothers were children. And as children they may not have been completely clear on things. But their efforts to hide and manipulate tels you that they had a pretty good idea it was wrong. What if we don't look at the sex and only look at the fact that they knew the actions got you a beating. It was wrong of them to continue actions that got the sister abusive and unreasonable beatings.

Children have a sense of right and wrong even if it is not fully developed. You were three, they were older. A three year old has only just begun speaking with any skill and understanding things.

So let's acknowledge that they were children but that they knew there was a wrongness none-the-less. I have heard five and six year old kids say "that's not fair!" They do understand something of right and wrong at those ages.

I'm not sure why I'm minimizing it, to be honest. As I said before, sometimes I'm not even sure it should be called 'abuse'. I'm really confused about the whole thing now after watching what I did on TV last night.

And yes, I did say I am looking for help and info. First I think I need help recognizing it as abuse. How can it be abuse if my brothers were children themselves when it first started? How can it be abuse if I was a willing participant alot of the time?


One of the things to remember is that they knew it was wrong, your brothers, father, mother and neighbor. Their actions, their shame and their manipulations show this.

They did know,didn't they? All of them did, and I guess I didn't fully realize that until I read what you said a few times. My entire family manipulated me.And I believed my mom when she told me it was my fault because I was a girl. I started dressing like a boy so that it wouldn't happen anymore, but it didn't make a difference. I really believed I was causing it to happen.

I went through that for 17 years. I didn't have anybody to help me. And I was too ashamed to tell anyone what was going on.
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