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thanks phoenix, i didn't know it was originally english. the programmes we watched were of american families. maybe there are two of them by similar names.

anyway as i said i thought it was a great programme.
and parenting classes are a great help too. Helps parents to realise that children have rights too ect ect.. I did one of those too. :)

thanks phoenix.

nsa... do you mind if I ask where you were located? I got the feeling you were in the U.K from one of your other posts?
Yeah, it was an english programme that did really well, (originally with english families) and so once she'd finished two seasons, ( or one, but I think two ) she was approached by american television producers to do a series over there. Its quite funny, because you can see that she's been asked to play up the englishisims more than she normally would. lol.


I also think that the program The Nanny and the others mentioned are good for parents to watch. I myself have sat down and watched it and found it very interesting.


Phoenix: I'm Irish, living in the land of the saints and scholars. :) Ireland.
or as TL once said, a country with so many diff shades of

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