More threads by Cobra 6

Cobra 6

Somebody, who I really loved has just died. So I was depressed for a very long time and now I can't keep living without that person. I don't have anyone to beg me up and I was thinking about suicide for a long time. What to do? I cannot live without that person, please give me some answers what should I do now?


Hello Cobra and welcome to Psychlinks.

I am sorry to hear about your loss. It must be a very trying time for you right now, and I hope you might find some direction and support from our community during this most difficult time.

Was this person's passing totally unexpected, or was there an illness that lasted a period of time? Was this person living in your home?

Although it may seem there is little hope in your own life for the future at this moment, the reality is that you have the opportunity to honor and to commemorate this person's life through your own life and your own actions in the future. The pain from your loss is probably very intense right now, but this would be the time to reach out to those who can help you through this difficult time.

In the same way you have had the courage to reach out here on Psychlinks, you need to reach out in your own community to someone like a close family member, a friend, your therapist or doctor who treats your depression, perhaps your spiritual advisor or even your local emergency hospital.

Is there a crisis telephone service or mental health support service in your area?

We are here to help you, so you need to keep yourself safe until you can get someone to be with you at home. Is there someone you can call?

Cobra, have you ever attempted suicide in the past and do you actually have a plan at this time or are you just having thoughts of suicide following this person's passing?

Suicide is never the solution to an immediate crisis, so please continue the conversation with us that we can figure out the best way for you to overcome your thoughts of suicide.

Cobra 6

Thank you very much. Well, this person's death was really unexpected. I just found it out one day. No, this person wasn't living in my home. But it was just my really really best friend. I wasn't attempting to do suicide yet, but I was planning to do it for long time. I tried to talk to my other friend but it just didn't work. But I'm really afraid to talk to the doctors. I am afraid that they will put me in some kind of a home.


I am afraid that they will put me in some kind of a home.

To my knowledge, people are not committed involuntarily for having thoughts of suicide. However when having thoughts of suicide, you need help and support from competent health professionals trained in dealing with your situation, and who have an understanding of your medical history.

Your doctor should not be judging you, but rather should be evaluating your current mental state in order to provide you with the treatment and care you need.

Your illness of depression might be at the root of the suicidal thoughts you are experiencing, and your doctor is your best resource for helping you.

Can you call your doctor for an appointment today so you can discuss your situation?


The death of someone close is always difficult to deal with and sometimes takes time to accept and to continue with one's life. Time and support does reduce the pain, while the wonderful memories of the person live on.

That isn't to say the sadness completely disappears, but at least we learn to accept, cope and continue with our lives.

Please have a look on our Forum in the section on Grief and Bereavement, particularly among the "Sticky" posts at the top of the section for some resources.
The terrrible sadness hun is normal it is you grieving for the loss of your friend. Perhaps talking to someone a councilor a therapist will help guide you through the sadness
We all grieve hun in our own ways crying is ok let the tears go If you are have thoughts of suicide then yes talk with your doctor who can help you hun by getting you the supports you need Hugs

Cobra 6

Thank you for those great words. It helped a little bit. And yes, I made an appointment. It's tomorrow at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. I really hope that it will help. But the sadness is still here. And I really really really miss that person.
OH do I hear you hun i have been missing someone for awhile now

The sadness i hope can be replaced in time

You have to give you time to heal i hope it can be replaced hun with good memories happy memories of your friend

Right now it is too soon and all you need now hun is support family and friends to talk to ones that will listen and help you through this

The sadness it hurts i get that i do but you will get through it i promise you that you will ok but try to talk to someone friends family talk ok don't hold in that sadness because it only hurts worse when you do that.

Let us know how the appointment goes with your doctor ok

Your friend hun try to do something that will commemorate his life

Please hun take care of you don't harm yourself ok because if you leave hun you will be passing the pain you feel onto someone you love You can heal hun it just take time hugs

Cobra 6

Thank you for message, but I just cannot describe how sad I am because of that person. I will see how the talk with doctor will go today.
I hope your talk went well hun and that you have some support for you now I don't think anyone can describe the depth of sadness one feels when they lose someone words just won't cover it hugs.

Cobra 6

The talk went quite well. Doctor said that suicide won't bring my friend back. He told me things that you told me too and that if I want to talk any more, I can see him whenever I want. But I'm so sad. I still cry at nights and at the mornings, when I wake up and I realize that my friend is dead. I'm still in depression...



Thank you for sharing your experience with your doctor, who sounds like a sensible and compassionate person. Take advantage of your doctor's offer to return for additional support and counseling. Having someone close by like your doctor, a close friend or family member or perhaps even your spiritual adviser can help when you feel you need immediate support.

Additionally we are available here on Psychlinks to assist you when you need us.

We are indeed sorry for your loss, and in time even though the pain of losing your dear friend should diminish, you can take comfort in knowing the wonderful memories you have will always remain with you.

Doctor said that suicide won't bring my friend back.

Correct, and your suicide would only bring the same distress to those who love you. Suicide is never a solution to any problem because there are always options available to us while we are alive. Those options may not be apparent in a moment of grief, which is why it is so important to do what you are doing, which is to reach out to others for support. By speaking to your doctor, to family or friends and even to us here, you can investigate your options for moving forward.

Cobra, do you have family and / or friends available to you for support?

Cobra 6

Well my family doesn't live with me. I live in Houston but my father and mother live in Canada. Yes, I have some friends around, they were friends with my dead friend too and we sometimes meet. But the suicide thoughts still didn't disappear yet...


my father and mother live in Canada


Are you in frequent contact with your parents, and can you reach out to them for emotional support?

Are you receiving any treatment or therapy for mood disorders at this time? Have you been prescribed medications to relieve symptoms of mood disorders?
It will take time hun the pain and sadness and yes the thoughts of leaving stay with us sometimes but they are just thoughts hun. As long as you don't act on them ok
If you feel like you are in crisis you talk to your doctor again ok you reach out hun and get support It takes time to heal and you will hun hugs

Cobra 6

Yes, I already contacted my parents and the were sorry too and they told me to move on. I didn't tell them about my suicide thoughts. My doctor said to me that I can speak to him again, but my suicide thought just won't leave so easy... :(
NOt so easy to move on hun i get that i do. With support hun from your doctor perhaps a councilor you will be able to get through the pain the sadness It won't be easy hun but grief is not easy hugs to you

Cobra 6

Yes, it's still really hard. My friend was so great. He was always the one who listened to me, he taught me many things that I didn't know about, he was the closest person in the world to me. But then just happened. My friend's parents told me that he died. At first I didn't believe it, I thought it was just a cruel joke. Then I found out that it was true. I just couldn't face it. I didn't want to believe it, but there was no other way. I was sad and I cried almost all night. The funeral was the saddest time of my life. Then the suicide thoughts came. I just didn't and still don't know how to live without my friend. I was with him every day. Every single day. We had the same job, everything. We were together every single minute of the whole day. Even when I or he was sick, we were there. I just don't know how to live on without my friend.
I know its hard there is a void right now in your heart that pain it will lessen and one day you will be able to remember your friend with less pain. Your friend hun do something ok to keep his memory alive commemorate your friends life hun Plant a tree start a foundation in his name but do something to commemorate what he loved ok.
Just take each day at a time sometimes just take each hour and get through it by keep busy talking to your parents listening to music Reach out to the people around you don't try to get through it on your own use the supports and help that is there for you One day at a time hun hugs
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