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Jazzey if you look on the left side of the page it says:
Are you or is somebody you know experiencing these symptoms? Find out more about Posttraumaitc Stress Disorder in our Information Pages.

So that page is saying it's PTSD. Isn't Post means after the fact.

I think I experienced that twice recently. The first time was my last day at work towards the end of the day it was like I was in a bubble disconnected from reality. That is the way I felt on my last day of work. Like I was outside looking on the inside. Like I was there going through the motions but it was like seeing it like an out of body experience.

The second time was after going to a Canadian Mental Health group session. We were watching a video and somebody in the video look a lot like my boyfriend's son. The day before his son went to rehab I called the house and son was playing a dirty trick on me pretending to be somebody else like I called the wrong number. ( I knew it was him) I kept insisting him to let me speak to his father. He said there is no body here by that name and if I called again I will kick you in the :censored: throat.
Well that day after the group session I had to drive to phsyio therapy and I felt like I was disconnected from reality I couldn't feel the steering wheel or feel the seat I was sitting on. My body couldn't feel anything but I knew how to drive to where I had to go. All I could see in my head was my boyfriend's son and I couldn't get his face out of my mind
Then at phsyio I was still feeling the same way and a machines buzzard/bell had malfunction and it kept making it sound. I tried to cover my ears because it was driving me crazy and the people working there heard me move around and came to check on me they were concern I said that noise was bothering me. Then within seconds it stopped. If it would had lasted longer I was ready to freak out like some mad woman. I went home after therapy and I had the shakes. From start to finish It lasted about 3 hours.

I don't want to go through both of those experiences again. Especially when your driving and you don't feel anything.


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Thank you Sue. And. I hear you..I'm sorry you've been through what you have. But, I'm also so very proud of you for taking care of yourself - can't begin to tell you how proud I am. There's a real reassurance in knowing that you're taking care of yourself - honestly..

I relate to a lot of your post. I'm just really confused right now. I need a professional person to tell me where I am because I'm just not sure anymore...For the past few weeks, I've suspected my symptoms have included sleepwalking - this is something I've done since my teenage years. And I've had proof recently that I'm doing this again. In my early 20s, my sleepwalking really compromised my safety. At my age, I'm hoping that the security concerns aren't quite the same...Having said this, I have had concrete evidence in the past few weeks that I'm sleepwalking again.

All this to say Sue - I'm proud of you. This whole process is just is. And we just have to remain strong and know that we'll be ok at the end of the day...

And I quit physio about 2 months ago because of the symptoms that were coming up during the sessions - just didn't want to explain where I was at the time...

:hug: :hug: Always here for you Sue - and really proud of your progress! :)
Thank You Jazzey for everything. I know you have gone through worst times then I have and you are doing great in talking about it.
Have you thought of putting cheap alarm buzzard the ones you can by at a department store and connected it to you door so when you open your door at night the alarm would go off and that might wake you up?

What you are going through nobody should go through. I am amazed on how you are dealing with your trauma. I don't know if I would be as sane as you are. Also all the help you are giving people is so amazing. You are helping so many people with there problems and trying to manage yours at the same time. I don't know how you do it. But keep up the good work.

I wasn't sure if those 2 experiences were PTSD but my boyfriend thinks so because he has PTSD really bad and that is some of the signs. He just drives by or down a certain and he gets a flashback and there are other things that causes him to have flashback.

Take Care Of Yourself And Remember You Are Not Alone.



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To be honest Sue - I honestly don't know where I am. I would love to revel in the success of it all, but I honestly can't. :)

My sleepwalking is, thankfully (and I hope), reserved for my home...I only sleep in 2 hours increments right now. But when I do wake up, I often notice that there are lights turned on in certain rooms of my home. Lights that weren't on when I went to bed. But again, I've had sleepwalking problems before - and I don't think I'm leaving my home at the time -which I did do in my early 20s.

All of this to acknowledge what you've already said..It's really a process. And while there are many a days where I can get quite impatient - if the end result is really mental health...then I'll hang on a little longer...I just wish sometimes that I could understand, on a purely logical fashion, what it is I'm going through. The ignorance of it all can be really scary at times...
:hug: :hug:
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I wish I could more for you to help you. What you are going through to me I would describe it like pure hell and hopefully really soon you will get a breakthrough in your therapy sessions. I see that light at the end of your tunnel
I will do an extra prayer tonight just for you. Hoping he can speed things up for you so you get some answers soon.



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Thank you Sue...But I'm honestly not suffering. I've learned so much about myself these past few months...Particularly how strong I really am...That's been such a comfort to me...I never saw myself in this light before -but i am really strong in so many ways...
:hug: :hug:

And you're in my prayers too..:heart:
Good to here. Yes you are really strong amazingly strong.

When I feel really crappy or sick I leave the light on in the bathroom. I find I get a more relaxed sleep with the light on.

Thanks for everything

Take Care



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..I leave the tv on...:lol: But I am hypersensitive to sounds right now... I find myself getting up about every 2 hours to check all of my doors and windows....

Sometimes, it just is what it is...:)

And I'm really not that strong Sue -I still am really scared...but what do you do? So I live with this idea that whatever happens, happens...

Thanks again Sue, from the bottom of my :heart:

:hug: :hug: - take good care of yourself and keep in touch! :friends:
whether you have ptsd or not jazzey, you have definitely been through trauma and are dealing with the effects of that now.

i believe to qualify for ptsd the symptoms have to last for more than a month. maybe you could get a second opinion from another psychologist?
Your welcome Jazzey I will keep in touch and you will keep in touch :). Somedays when I am having a bad day I don't want to post on forums.

Jazzey my Case Manager said to me today she said I was disassociated the times I felt I was disconnected. It didn't concern her the 1st time it happened but to have it happen twice she told me to let my psychiatrist know when I see him next so I can learn how to deal with it if it happens again.

Here is a link with something I thought fit you and what you said.
Dissociative disorders - Psychlinks Psychology Self-Help & Mental Health Support Forum

People with a dissociative disorder are at increased risk of complications that include:

* Self-mutilation
* Suicide attempts
* Sexual dysfunction, including sexual addiction or avoidance
* Alcoholism and substance abuse
* Depression
* Sleep disorders, including nightmares, insomnia and sleepwalking
* Anxiety disorders
* Eating disorders
* Severe headaches

Jazzey I see several things in here that makes me think of you. One of them is sleepwalking



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Thanks Sue :)

I appreciate you're thinking of me...Funny, I never associated sleepwalking to dissociation. It only shows up in my life when I'm really stressed out...

Let me know what you're psychiatrist tells you.:) Do you dissociate often?
Your welcome Jazzey.
I have dissociated twice in my life. My last day of work Feb 23 and 2 weeks ago today. Besides that it never happen before that. So I hope when I go back to work I don't get like that again because I will have to learn to how to get out of it.



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If you don't mind sharing with me a little - and only if it's safe for you to do so, do you mind telling me what you feel when you're dissociating?
Hi Jazzey not a problem read post 23 of this thread I mentioned how I was feeling both times.
I don't want to go through that again.

Take Care :)



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Thanks Sue- and sorry, I didn't go back to read through the thread :)

Take good care :hug: :hug:

And you know not to go back to stuff that my trigger - so thank you. :hug: :hug:

Added: Yes, now I remember what you were saying the other night. I feel pretty much the same as you Sue when I go through it. And I get really dizzy sometimes...Just wanted to add that. As you can tell, I'm still trying to sort out what's what...
Jazzey I saw my Psychoanalyst and told him about the 2 times I felt disconnected and he said it's called depersonalization. He want me to tell my Psychiatrist next time I see him because I don't remember if I told him that this week when I saw him. He says because it happened more then once I should let him know.



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Thanks Sue. Do you feel better knowing what it is now? :) And yes, I would think it would be important to mention to your psychiatrist.
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