My problem is this.... my seven year old son is really intelligent and at the same time really sensitive. I ran into his biological father the other day who started some story with me about how he was never given a chance to be a father, yada yada yada. Truth be told, he was begged to be there for his son, but it was an all or nothing thing- it was either I get back with him (it was a very unhealthy relationship and he was the one who left) or he didn't want anything to do with his son, who I was pregnant with at the time. He chose to stay away. Now he is claiming things were different than they really were, and the man my son knows as his father is my husband. For the first year I sent pictures and updates in the hopes that his bio father would change, but you can only lead the horse to water, right? My concern is that my son's bio dad will try to come back into the picture (though right now he has agreed to stick with what he chose) and I am not sure when is the right time to tell him. One one hand I feel like it is something I should speak with my son about, but at the same time he is 7 and should be doing the things that other 7 year olds do, not worrying about this. Any advice or info on where to get more educated on this? I know every kid/ situation is different, but even some general info would be great. Thanks.