My LORD, I do not know where to begin!!! I am a male in my early 30's and am severely depressed! I have battled depression most of my teenage-adult life; 2 suicide attempts--one of which were very close to ending it all. I have tried therapy with many, many, MANY psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors, etc......talked with many friends, etc...taken almost every anti-depressant under the sun.....YET NOTHING SEEMS TO HELP!!! I know the root of my problems-----I AM VERY SKINNY and have also tried remedies for that---vitamins, eating, working out excessively, nutritionists, I even did one cycle of steroids-which caused even more problems.....BUT I HATE MY LOOKS!!! I vowed whenever I was a teenager to NEVER-EVER have any children to pass these ugly genetics on to----I HAVE KEPT AND WILL KEEP THAT VOW! My hair is also thinning and nothing helps that either!!!! I HATE myself.....and wish I COULD DIE.
To further compund matters, my parents are both at an advanced age---my Father has congestive heart failure and is an amputee----my Mother has macular degeneration, osteoporosis and she fell last year and broke a vertebra---thus, she is now permanently paralyzed from the waist down!!
Any advice given will be appreciated greatly!!!
To further compund matters, my parents are both at an advanced age---my Father has congestive heart failure and is an amputee----my Mother has macular degeneration, osteoporosis and she fell last year and broke a vertebra---thus, she is now permanently paralyzed from the waist down!!
Any advice given will be appreciated greatly!!!