More threads by Daniel E.

Daniel E.
re: Anti-Canadian Content (Laughing With Us, Not At Us)

From Urban Dictionary:

Canadian Stereotype:

Canadian stereotypes eh? well zed that's just jokes. I mean we love our maple syrup and all, in fact the mounties, when they go beaver and albino hedgehog hunting they lure them out with maple syrup. The mounties like to stay in Eskimo igloo motels for just a loonie or a toonie a night. short on toonies? just crash on a friend's chesterfield, even enjoy a hockey game on the tv while eating some macaroni and cheese. on your way back to the big city, Toronto, (which has a smaller population than brooklyn) maybe grab some poutine. stereotypes

A YouTube comment:

Canada is the largest, northernmost state of the "United" States of America, also known as America's Frosted Hat, Soviet Canuckistan, America's Wacky Colorful Comic-Relief Next-Door Neighbors, Soon to be the 51st State but more commonly known as "Oops, this isn't Michigan!", is situated somewhere near the GLORIOUS continental U.S.A.

Canada is the USA's largest national park, and tourist attraction. Canada is commonly accepted as a county in Montana.

YouTube - Should Canada Invade the U.S.A.?


re: Anti-Canadian Content (Laughing With Us, Not At Us)

I was going along with your anti-Canadianism until I read albino hedgehog. Now that's just unreasonable BS. ;)

Daniel E.
re: Anti-Canadian Content (Laughing With Us, Not At Us)

At least we agree about the other things, even though you are clearly not familiar with the hunting habits of hunter-gatherer communities like downtown Toronto :coffee:

Daniel E.
re: Anti-Canadian Content (Laughing With Us, Not At Us)

Exactly, there are entire provinces I should be focusing on instead:

You've probably heard the old joke about Quebec weather: eight months of winter and four months of roadwork. With climate change the winter part seems a lot less certain. Roadwork, on the other hand, is immutable. And in at least one part of Quebec it's more measurable.

My spouse and I were returning to Quebec from Ontario on Highway 20 on Sunday. Seeing an endless line of orange cones, she remarked: "We must be back in Quebec." She was right as usual. And there was this sign: Roadwork from June until December. Four months indeed.

There's a weird Sorcerer's Apprentice quality to infrastructure work in Quebec: the more you do, the more there is that needs to be done. Stranger still, right in the middle of the best time to do it -- midsummer -- we stop doing it. I'm talking about the construction holiday, of course.

It might be considered just another quaint anachronism that helps define the distinct society -- like Celine Dion or poutine. It would be if it weren't so damned annoying in one particular. All those infrastructure workers down tools regardless of the state of the work they're doing. Dig a hole on a major thoroughfare and then take off for two weeks. It's as if a surgeon opened up a patient and then walked out for a coffee break.

Read more: Honk if you love traffic jams


Daniel E.
re: Anti-Canadian Content (Laughing With Us, Not At Us)

7 reasons to vacation in Canada later this year:

1. You sunburn easily.

2. NYC and Vegas are too exciting for you.

3. You owe the Queen an apololgy.

4. Walk-in freezers are too warm for you.

5. Your kids were too happy at Disney World.

6. You like to buy maple syrup by the gallon.

7. You want a survival story to tell your grandchildren.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
re: Anti-Canadian Content (Laughing With Us, Not At Us)

8. You're wanted by federal agents and/or the IRS and need a welcoming place to lay low for a while.

Daniel E.
re: Anti-Canadian Content (Laughing With Us, Not At Us)

9. Enjoying excessive poutine consumption without social disapproval.

10. "What happens in Canada, stays in Canada" (because no one in America cares).


re: Anti-Canadian Content (Laughing With Us, Not At Us)

11. Tobogganing is a lot more fun in the summer time.
12. Dog sledding is much better for the environment.

Daniel E.
re: Anti-Canadian Content (Laughing With Us, Not At Us)

13. You are tired of Starbucks but want to continue getting coffee from a multinational corporation (Tim Hortons).


re: Anti-Canadian Content (Laughing With Us, Not At Us)

14. Sick of Burger King. Rather have Dairy Queen.

Daniel E.
re: Anti-Canadian Content (Laughing With Us, Not At Us)

Just as a courtesy to the many readers of this thread:

What STP is referring to is that the Dairy Queens in Canada have additional ice cream flavorings not available in the US, such as:

Veal-flavored maple syrup ice cream
Kraft Dinner (KD) ice cream
Chocolate poutine ice cream
Moose & beaver tail ice cream



re: Anti-Canadian Content (Laughing With Us, Not At Us)

Don't forget the "Polar Bear Parfait in a Maple Syrup Glazed Igloo Cup". Definitely can't get those anywhere in the US.

*Apparently there are Burger Kings in Canada (I've just never seen one)

Daniel E.
re: Anti-Canadian Content (Laughing With Us, Not At Us)

To be clear, though, they use imitation polar bear since the mounties prefer to hunt albino hedgehogs.

* Ironically, I live much closer to a Dairy Queen than a Burger King.
re: Anti-Canadian Content (Laughing With Us, Not At Us)

I happen to live in Canada. What do you mean by these pictures? Are you Anti-Canadian, are you implying Canadians are stupid? Or are you just being funny? I really do not appreciate these digs. I would expect an administrator of this forum would be more respectful of other people on this forum. I am sure there all a lot of Canadians using this forum for medical help. I am new to this forum and expected better.:mad:

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
re: Anti-Canadian Content (Laughing With Us, Not At Us)

I happen to live in Canada. What do you mean by these pictures? Are you Anti-Canadian, are you implying Canadians are stupid? Or are you just being funny? I really do not appreciate these digs. I would expect an administrator of this forum would be more respectful of other people on this forum. I am sure there all a lot of Canadians using this forum for medical help. I am new to this forum and expected better.:mad:

Hi, helpmeplease:

I am also Canadian (located in the Ottawa area) as are many of the people who have contributed to this thread. The spirit of the thread is gentle humor andb teasing about some of the characteristics or perceived characteristics of Canadians. Daniel is from Florida but his posts are also meant as humor: He is not really anti-Canadian at all.

As a Canadian, I'm sure you hazve heard some of the "Newfie" jokes. It may or may not surprise you to learn that Newfie jokes are probably more popular in Newfoundland than anywhere else in Canada.

This thread is in that sprit. We're just gently poking fun at ourselves in a mock debate about the comparison between US and Canadian cultures.

Daniel E.
re: Anti-Canadian Content (Laughing With Us, Not At Us)

Exactly, I'm not anti-Canadian. And, yes, the purpose of this thread is mostly humor.
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