More threads by Daniel E.


Re: Parks Canada app serves up moose-nose soup

Absolutely! It's the good old hockey game...

*deleted video*

Ooops wrong video...


David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
"We don't take kindly to folks who don't take kindly to knid folks giving free doughnut holes to babies aroung these here parts."

"Now Skeeter... he ain't hurtin' no one."

~ adapted from South Park

Daniel E.

(Of course, I only eat mousse.)

On a happier note (though these videos are way too long):


Daniel E.
From 2007:

Canada Post cowed by very threatening cat | Reuters

Canada's postal system has stopped delivering mail to a home in Winnipeg, Manitoba, after a mail carrier was scared away by a "very threatening cat," the Winnipeg Free Press said on Friday.

A Canada Post spokeswoman said the agency was concerned about the safety of its carriers, although it hoped for an amicable solution to its dispute with cat-owner John Samborski.

"The letter carrier who delivers mail there ... was brought up on a farm, she is very comfortable with animals," spokewoman Kathi Neal told the newspaper. "Apparently this is a very threatening cat."

Samborski told the paper that his eight-year-old, declawed, black cat Shadow is docile, and it was "ridiculous" for Canada Post to make him to pick up his mail from a post office instead of delivering it to his door.

Shadow "likes to eat and sleep and cuddle. You could drop a bomb and he'd just open one eye, take a look, then close them and go back to sleep," Samborski, 41, told the newspaper.
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