More threads by David Baxter PhD



Don't you just love those red neck recipes!

Armadillo is considered a delicacy in many parts of red neck Country and is thought of as "land lobster".

Daniel E.
Man Attempts to Pay Water Bill with Crack Cocaine: Deputies | NBC 6 South Florida
September 25, 2013

Florida authorities are searching for a Deltona man who tried to pay his water bill by handing a cashier an envelope filled with crack cocaine, the sheriff's office said.

The Deltona Water office was evacuated on Sept. 23 after the water-department employees called the Volusia County Sheriff's Office to take a look at the envelope with the white powder, authorities said.

A team of law enforcement officials and fire department employees responded to the building, the sheriff's office said.

According to the report, it is common for customers to drop off envelopes in the counter that contain their water bill payments.

But in this case, when the employee opened the envelope, there was no statement or writing on it. Instead, the envelope contained a clear plastic bag with 3 grams of crack cocaine.

The Volusia County Sheriff's Office will continue to investigate the incident. The man was caught on surveillance video and deputies say he left the water office on a bicycle.


searching for a Deltona man who tried to pay his water bill by handing a cashier an envelope filled with crack cocaine....there was no statement or writing on it

How do you calculate the exchange value for 3 grams of crack cocaine when paying a tax bill? Do you use the retail value, wholesale value, or street value?

Sounds like he might have become exasperated with calculating the conversion, and chose to simply make a donation, rather than paying his bill.


MVP, Forum Supporter
How do you calculate the exchange value for 3 grams of crack cocaine when paying a tax bill? Do you use the retail value, wholesale value, or street value?

Sounds like he might have become exasperated with calculating the conversion, and chose to simply make a donation, rather than paying his bill.

I mean, it's hot. Things just get tiring.


MVP, Forum Supporter
That's why everyone wants to be a Florida Wal-Mart Greeter to meet these types of characters.

Not. :)


Account Closed
I don't think we need sushi.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

David, you realize this is a distortion, right? I suggest we all start listening to a tape that plays "I love maki, remaki, nigri, sushi and sashimi"; and when comfortable with this, we move on to "Sushi, sashimi, maki and remaki is all I need".
Suddenly, you will start noticing the multitude of great sushi restaurants in your surroundings and eventually move on to preparing sushi at home, which is the ultimate milestone sushi lovers must meet.
(for Conservatives, you can use smoked Salmon instead of the real one; this is what I do, tastes great). :D
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