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Re: Start of Anxiety and Depression Group this week

I think that that is a good rule Ladylore. And I will take a look at the homework but no guarantees :D :D


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Re: Start of Anxiety and Depression Group this week

Haven't read that particular thread yet. I go for a nap and look what happens. :)


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Re: Start of Anxiety and Depression Group this week

I will write a bit more later as I am exhausted right now. All in all, the group went well. Today was introductions and a bit about goal setting. It's comforting to know that other people in the room had some of the same feelings that I have had.

I am glad I am doing this for myself. Now to stay motivated for session 2. :)

Wanted to add a bit of info while I thought of it. Changeways is the name of the program and it started out as a research project at UBC. The researcher opened up a private practice and this program is based on this agency's work:
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Re: Start of Anxiety and Depression Group this week

that sounds great LL. Glad it went well...:cool2:


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Re: Start of Anxiety and Depression Group this week

Thanks LL -I thought about you today. When your energy is back up a little, I'd love to hear about your impressions about it today...If you're up for it of course. :hug: :hug: :)


Resident Canuck
Re: Start of Anxiety and Depression Group this week

Hi Ladylore. I am so happy your first day went well :D

I get tired too sometimes if I think of things a lot before hand, then when I go and it is good, it is big relief and like weight off my shoulders. It makes me tired too.

I hope you had a nice nap too. :hug:


Re: Start of Anxiety and Depression Group this week


Glad that it went well today and I too look forward to hearing all about it....after your :zzz: of course :D
Re: Start of Anxiety and Depression Group this week

Hi LL,

I hope your group goes well for you. We don't have any groups around here, but I liked the ones I was in before. Take care, am thinking of you.




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Re: Start of Anxiety and Depression Group this week

Here is the long awaited update - no homework guys, at least not for you. ;)

The group focuses more on depression then anxiety. The main topics this week were the "thoughts -feelings - behaviour model", basically how your thoughts lead to feelings and lead to behaviours. I learned this one in recovery.

The other topic we started on was goal setting. Writing out a list of everything I like to now and liked to do in the past. The main point was setting immediate goals. Something small and very manageable that can easily be achieved - for instance, paying one bill.

This helps with increasing motivation and energy. So the theory goes. :)

I have tests I need to do this week to be completed by Wednesday. A generalized test, depression, test and one for anxiety.

There is some optional homework I can do - if I get to it I will. I don't remember what it is at the moment.

Have a great day guys and gals. :2thumbs:
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Re: Start of Anxiety and Depression Group this week

Thanks for the update LL.
sounds good so far , it must have been tiring the next day ,after the anxiety of new people and how it would be , do you feel reassured now .?

The other topic we started on was gaol setting. Writing out a list of everything I like to now and liked to do in the past. The main point was setting immediate goals. Something small and very manageable that can easily be achieved - for instance, paying one bill.

that's a good one , hmmmmmmm maybe I'll do that one ;)

thanks for sharing :)


Re: Start of Anxiety and Depression Group this week

Thanks for sharing with us LL....the group sounds like it is starting off nicely but I am sure that it is exhausting in a way.

I look forward to hearing about next weeks homework :2thumbs:

Take care
:hug: :hug:


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Re: Start of Anxiety and Depression Group this week

The odd thing is WP is that the first time I do anything it usually is good. It's going to the 2nd, 3rd, 4th.... sessions that are hard.

Go figure. :)
Re: Start of Anxiety and Depression Group this week

Just lean on us so that it will continue to be good , we'll be here for you for the
2nd, 3rd, 4th.... sessions . It's similar to one to one therapy sessions , it seems to get tougher , the first one is almost exhilarating because we have finally got there .:hug:

as everyone has said ,we are right behind you .
Where are you with the homework by the way ?:)
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