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Re: Start of Anxiety and Depression Group this week

They let me out.:D It's an outpatient group so they let us go home.


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Anxiety/Depression Therapy Group

Came home from my second session today. Had a major panic attack before, during and after (still going on) the group.

I usually make every excuse in the book why I can't continue, don't want to go..... and drop out of almost any face to face group I have gone to. So minor miracle for me that I sat through the whole thing today.

I am so happy to be home. :jiggy:


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:D I'm happy that you stuck through with it LL :) And I completely relate to the panick attacks...I hope that you won't drop out of this group...maybe stick with it a little longer?

But I'm also happy you're home now ;) (I also understand that feeling!) :) :hug: :hug:


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TG and Jazzey,

Ironic isn't it. An anxiety therapy group causes me anxiety.:panic:

More will follow later as it was a great goup. I think a cuppa tea is in order. :)


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Now I am having a hotflash folks and I am not in menopause. :panic:

Today we made a list of the problems we were experiencing - family, work, social, lifestyle

Out of that list we picked one of the problems we wanted to work on. Mine was anxiety and social isolation. The ultimate goal: is to be able to be actively social with-in a group with the minimum of anxiety

I have other problems that I want to work on but this is the major one. Another goal is to take better care of myself.

Then we broke it down into a goal I could do this week. Mine was a bit ambitious - of course I wanted to have a dinner party. :D

The main theme of the session is to break down the goal into bits and pieces. The overall saying being: If you are feeling overwhelmed it's still too much.

So my 3 goals for this week:

Sweep and wash the floors by Friday.

Call a friend and see if we can arrange to get together (making the call is the goal - anything else is icing on the cake)

Listen to one of the relaxation meditations on the CD that was handed out today.


Resident Canuck
Sorry your feeling hot flashed Ladylore. Sounds like you had a big day with your anxiety group.

Maybe that medication CD might be handy now to try?

I dont like the hot flashes either I get with anxiety. Maybe open up a window for fresh air.

You are in my thoughts Ladylre. :hug:



Glad to hear that although it was uncomfortable and increased your anxiety, that you stuck with the group and made it home safely. I have known that "I am home and safe" feeling as well :)

I do think that you may have been a little ambitious with the dinner party but I think that the goals that you made for the week are great. I hope that you accomplish what you set out to do.

You are doing great LL, keep it up :2thumbs:

Take care
Way to go Ladylore. As Jazzey said. I too would have anxiety but what an accomplishment for you continue to do well Ladylore.

Take care

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Your welcome ITL,

I hope it made sense as I was quite tired yesterday. I have been exhausted all day today. Didn't think a few hours would take so much out of me. :)


Resident Canuck
Are you feeling still hot flashed Ladylore?

I can only imagine how exhausting the anxiety group would have been.

I hope you get a good rest. I am proud of you that you are going to the anxiety group. :hug:


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Why thank you NN. Today I feel like I have the flu.

Before I went to the group I called my addiction therapist for a check-in. I told her that whatever I have said to her in the past regarding the reasons I stop going to groups, programs after the first session are all hogwash.

I don't understand it at all. I am nervous the first time but the second time I have full blown panic that last hours. And it doesn't happen all the time but it has been a regular occurrence in my life since the year began.

At least yesterday I knew I wasn't going to die or get sick in the room or afterwords. I just waited it out.

Any suggestions on how to deal with this? I am all out of ideas.

Thanks all. :)


I don't have any ideas of how not to have a panic attack or experience anxiety while in the group but my first thought was.....if you don't have it for the first group but do for the second, have you ever experienced a third group? From what you have indicated it sounds like you have stopped the groups in the past after the second terrifying group. If you did go back the third time, did you have a lot of panic and anxiety as well?

I know that what I posted may not be the most helpful but I am just trying to gain a better understanding of the group process for you.

Take care
:hug: :hug:


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I have to admit the only time I have stuck it out is a drop-in group at the addiction recovery centre. I usually don't even make it to a second session because of the panic and I make up some excuse in attempt to stop the anxiety.

A couple of years ago I went to a therapist run, woman's recovery group and I lasted two sessions and dropped out. I managed NA for a year and a half but I put that in a different category. But I eventually dropped that because of the anxiety and a few other reasons. But anxiety was definitely one of them.
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