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Well, my theory about much of what you, xenopath, are saying is that it's interesting stuff for intellectual debate and philosophical speculation, but it doesn't really play out in reality. It's hard to know, frankly, whether you're even serious, or whether you even believe what you're saying.

For my part, I'm not exactly sure how I became subscribed to this thread, but I'm unsubscribing now. I probably responded to something someone had said earlier, and that got me the "subscription." In my life, the subject of attracting women is not one that particularly interests me or that I devote much energy to.

So I won't be posting here again. It's been interesting, but in no way constructive -- for me.


I don't mean to seem disrespectful, but when I read Xenopath's statements, I felt like I was reading a description of a sociopath (who have difficulty when it comes to relationships). I think that if a person that wants a healthy relationship meets someone that shares the same views, it would be in their best interest to look elsewhere.

Given that, I won't validate anything he said, but I do wish to express my agreement with the majority. Relationships are not games and there are many people who enjoy healthy, supportive, and fun relationships while maintaining mutual respect (for self and others), care, and love for one another.
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