you're not weird and there's no such thing as "too old"- a lot of people believe that ed's are a way for teenage girls to get attention, be popular etc but that's just the "popularized" idea of what an ed is... its onset is often in adolescence, hence why it's noticable then and many people do get help and recover but by no means does that mean that it's an age-immune disease- in fact, I clearly remember a study that was one of the 1st ones to show that a great majority of people w/ ed's (I think it focused on anorexia) were in the elderly population- however, it may manifest itself differently in that age group. anyways, point is, it's not about being immature for those who truly do have a problem... hence why the connotation of "too old" for this just doesn't work...I'm sorry, I'm really weird and I know I'm too old for this kind of thing (24)
I have felt this way since so long and I swear no one else gets that point- how your body can feel hungry but you just have no appetite... or very rarely. but I think some of that can also be a result of being depressed. it's definitelty one of the signs of depression (loss of appetite or increase even). you're not making a big deal out of nothing, if it's important enough for you to think about then it's not making a big deal out of nothing... and maybe posting on here gives you a chance to see things from a different angle or get some diff. perspectives on it.. also, things related to food are definitely very noticable, outward signs as you said- even w/ ed's, the restricting/binging/purging/exercising etc are only symptoms of something else. but they're the most notcable. please don't feel stupid, you have nothing to feel stupid about.I just know that I have no appetite (even when my body seems hungry) and no longer like to eat, and after I eat I do not like the feeling.
I think a lot of people worry about body image and how they look, how much they weigh etc but only to a certain extent- and some people really don't worry about this. I think it's "common" in that your worries and concerns are completely justified and that you're not alone in this by any means, but also remember that in the general population the % of people w/ an actual problem (say an ed) is small, but very many more will have certain beliefs about body image, diet, exercise etc but not to the extent where it is unhealthy or interferes w/ their life.
why don't you ask your therapist what he's thinking? that seems to be the most straightforward way to get an answer to your question. also, you may have said this b/f somewhere, but how did you lose all your weight? the reason why I'm asking is b/c I think it makes a difference whether you lost it in a healthy way (proper/ balanced nutrition combined w/ moderate amounts of exercise) or some other way... I don't know why you don't have an appetite, but as I said before there could be several reasons for that... def. something to discuss w/ your doctor though hun. also, there is some post(reply) of mine floating around about increasing appetite.... I think... maybe on the diet board? or this one? it has some good suggestions to make food more appealing.
found it: Psychlinks Psychology and Mental Health Support Forum