Eunoia - I'll have a word with your professors, and make sure I enlighten them as to what are truly the most important things in life! This website - and especially answering my post! - definitely takes priority over some measly, irrelevant essays...
Great, now I can relax in the safe knowledge that you are a fellow hair-twirler!
And about the Stepford wives - I haven't seen it yet altho it's on my list... I saw the trailer though. and I know EXACTLY what you mean. Exhausting is the word.
And holding things in, keeping them all bottled up inside - is such a bad thing to do... and I do it the whole time too! Maybe we should try just screaming and yelling and sobbing, and see what it's like... I'm sure we'll both feel a lot better. I'm so controlled and closed-up I don't even know if I could, even if I wanted to... Unless I lost my temper... and then of course it's easy...
And I understand you perfectly, about being genuine. You are genuine, just not so much with your deep and innermost emotions... but a lot of people are like that, and I don't mean people like me with a serious case of detachment from what we feel deep down... but a lot of people take time to work out what they're really feeling inside.
Great, now I can relax in the safe knowledge that you are a fellow hair-twirler!
And about the Stepford wives - I haven't seen it yet altho it's on my list... I saw the trailer though. and I know EXACTLY what you mean. Exhausting is the word.
And holding things in, keeping them all bottled up inside - is such a bad thing to do... and I do it the whole time too! Maybe we should try just screaming and yelling and sobbing, and see what it's like... I'm sure we'll both feel a lot better. I'm so controlled and closed-up I don't even know if I could, even if I wanted to... Unless I lost my temper... and then of course it's easy...
And I understand you perfectly, about being genuine. You are genuine, just not so much with your deep and innermost emotions... but a lot of people are like that, and I don't mean people like me with a serious case of detachment from what we feel deep down... but a lot of people take time to work out what they're really feeling inside.