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just mary

Thanks again! :)

Janet said:
So I think anything is possibly in cyberland.

:) I know what you mean. When you think about it, all this stuff that we write is just bits and bytes on some silicon chip and then it's sent over lines (or through the air) to some other computer half way around the world. It's a little overwhelming when you think about it. What if it all just disappeared one day? (No one has to answer that, I was just thinking out "inside my head voice") :)
hi mary if all else fails maybe you could call up his office and explain that you're not sure your email reached him because of cyberspace glitches? just ask over the phone for confirmation that he has your email in his inbox.

when's your next appointment with him?

just mary


Well, he did reply. All my worrying was for naught. I ended up sending him two (or three?) reminders. I did feel like I was harrassing him but it worked. Anyway, he made some comments and gave me a couple of things to think about. And I do feel a bit better.

I'm glad I went to see him, it was helpful.

Thanks and take care,


Great! I'm glad you heard from him, mary. Sometimes, a little persistence pays off.
I'm also glad that hearing from him has made you feel better. :)



I am also glad to hear that you got a response as I know what the waiting is like :) It is nice to hear that you found him helpful. :)

Take care
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