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kels said:
part of me is like thank God that I am getting something but most of me feels like I've "lost" the battle...I went through all that to get off of it and I couldn't handle it...I feel like I failed but yet I'm glad I am getting something to help me feel better...I'm so torn over this...

I can understand how you feel however I think that if you looked at it not like you are failing but making the best choices for you in order to feel better. If it means that you cannot come off completely from the Effexor and that you need it than there is no shame in that. Maybe your dose wont be as high as it was last time and then you can think of it as an accomplishment that you must be getting better if not as much is needed.

I don't think that you lost at all in this situation, you tried to come off, realized that you couldn't and now need to take a small dose along with other meds to help you feel better. There is never any shame in accepting the help (no matter which type i.e. meds, therapy etc) when needed.

Hope you are feeling better and the increase in meds helps.

Take Care
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