More threads by Steven_v


I am really glad that you want to print the posts on here and bring them to your idea. There are a few options that you have. First you could write it out on paper while reading it from the computer, email it to your friend to print or save it to a disk and have it printed at your local library or internet cafe

Just some suggestions.
Take care
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so my therapist thinks i may be better off going back into hospital for awhile and i have to say i think i agree. nut really i cant, not for awhile anyway. my parents are going on holiday soon and i dont want to spoil it for the or knowing how they are have them ending up canceling it. plus my sisters on holiday at the moment and i dont want her worrying


Just speaking from a parent's point of view, steven, I'd feel a lot better knowing my son or daughter was in hospital if they really needed to be to keep them safe. Rather than cause me unnecessary worry, or cause me to cancel a trip, it would probably give me peace of mind to know my child is safe.

Daniel E.
my parents are going on holiday my sisters on holiday at the moment and i dont want her worrying

In my mind, that only increases the need for hospitalization or, at the very least, intensive outpatient therapy. When my parents were on vacation, I felt more suicidal since I was more lonely.



Being one that lives with their parents, I can certainly relate to what you are saying. I would probably be thinking the same thing. I don't want them to cancel their trip, I don't want to worry them, I don't want to worry my siblings etc. I can really relate to that but do you really think that you are going to be able to hang on until they get back? Another thing, how long are they going away for? Do you have someone who could stay with you while they are gone or are you going to be completely alone? I know for me being alone with parents gone is scary and is not in my best interest.

Anyway, it is completely your decision but I can relate. I think that you know what is best for you and whether you can make it through until they come back but please and I stress this...please think of yourself and your need for safety before their worrying.

Take care and let us know how you are doing.
hi steven i just wanted to say you did very well to make it to your appointment, i know you struggled with it and yet you made it there. as for being hospitalized, i can only agree with nancy's comments. i hope you can make a decision that you are ok with. i hope you're doing alright. take care.


Hi Steven

We haven't heard from you in a while and I hope that things are going okay for you. Just wondering whether you have made any major decisions yet.

Just checking in and hope to hear from you soon.

Take care


struglling a bit, but not doing to bad. i have an apointment with my gp on wendsday iam gona ask him to put me back on fluoxatine i think i done alot better on that. as for going back into hospital i think iam doing well enough at the moment to wait and see how i do going back on the fluoxatine.

ps. just wanted to say thanks for everyones help and for checking in on me, it means alot. you guys have been a big help. i just hope i can do the same for others in my life and on here when i get myself a bit more stable.

cheers guys :grouphug: :D


I am glad that you have an appt. with your gp and you will be discussing meds with him/her. Good decision.

We are glad to be able to be here for you and help you out and we know that you will do the same when you can. That is the great thing about this forum is that we are all here for each when we feel able to be. :)

Good luck with the appt. and let us know how it turns out.
Take care


ok iam really not feeling very well at the moment. on thursday i took some nytol (the same as Benadryl in america) and though considering my own sleeping pills dont work on me anymore a better take a few of these since there supose to just be mild over the counter ones. andyway i took them at about 12 that night then a few hours later i realised that i was triping heavily i was halucinating i was hearing things and i was falling over cause i had no ballance. i little while later i feel asleep then i woke up at about 7pm the next day, i thought i was ok i still felt a little out of it but alright. well that was untill i tried to go to sleep that night, as soon as i tried to fall asleep i started to have panick attacks and every time i closed my eyes i started to have intense visions, and every time i started to fall asleep it felt as if i was starting to die. i didnt get to sleep that night but i did manage the next night despite the same thing happening. anyway its been some days now but iam still having panick attacks at night and during the day iam having bad headaches my head just feels as if its constantly swiming i feel so out of it, i cant focus my vision properly and iam always feeling very tired. i dont know what to do and its really starting to get scary especialy at night
hi steven, are you able to go see your family doctor about this? if not, can you go to the outpatient at the hospital? you need to get this checked and get it looked after. there's no sense in suffering through this on your own. it sounds like an awful experience.


i thought at first it would just wear off but its been days now and iam really getting worried that i may have done permanent damage
i am no doctor so i can't tell you one way or the other if there is permanent damage. i suspect probably not as this was a one time thing. however, i do recommend you go see a doctor about this as soon as you can. have a friend take you if you can't go by yourself.


While what you experienced the first night could have been an ideosyncratic reaction to diphenhydramine (Benadryl), I doubt very seriously that it's causing the problems you're having now. You really need to see your doctor about this, Steven. Not getting enough sleep, and having panic attacks, will exacerbate any symptoms you're having. It's a vicious circle. You don't sleep, you have panic attacks, your symptoms worsen, so you can't sleep ...

This is just not a good pattern to be in, Steven. Get some help.



I think that I have to agree with TL and BBC and say that you may want to go to your gp and explain what is going on and it is true that it is a vicious cycle of not sleeping and having panick attacks.

Please Steven go explain all this to your gp and hopefully he/she can help you out.

Take care and let us know how you are doing.


iam going to see my local gp tommorow and iam not sure if i want/need to ask him to get me back in hospital, as i tried to kill myself by overdosing last night. and i also tried a couple of nights before on saturday. and i am slightly scaired i might try again
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