More threads by Domo

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder


No. The problem is not that it's against the norm. The problem is that it's irrational and self-defeating and creates negative moods that do not need to exist.

You really need to read the following:
I read these, but i am not sure.

Ugh i am just really confused.

I was awoken from a dream and it still feels like i am in it. I can't make much sense of these points.


Read them when you're more awake, and can make sense of them, Domo. They are excellent articles that are really helpful.

You also might want to pick up a book by Dr. David Burns - The Feeling Good Handbook. It'll really help you identify distorted thoughts and work through some fixes to help change them. It's an excellent adjunct to the therapeutic process.


Domo's big adventure to hospital

Wait in emergency department for 4 hours. Talk to doctor for 5 minutes. Doctor goes away to talk to his supervisor. Doctor returns one hour later. Doctor won't admit Domo because she isn't taking meds and they find no point in admitting when all they will do is make Domo take meds which she can do at home. (Oh i have a pretty good idea why you should admit i don't ****ing kill myself! :rolleyes:)

Doctor gives Domo dose of effexor and sedative. Domo is waiting for said sedative to actually work.

The End.

PS. **** you public health system.


Oh Domo,
I hope that you are safe right now. I am so sorry that you had to go through that, it must be so frustrating to feel like the doctors are dismissing you like that. Are your parents and brother around to help? Can you get in to see your therapist soon? I just hope that you are okay. Please take care of yourself. Murray


Hey Domo,

Sorry to hear about your experience, but, quite frankly, its not surprising. It seems no matter where in the world you are there are just not enough hospital beds, and so they are reserved for those with the most severe physical ailments. Mental health has always been overlooked and underfunded, and health care workers are required to treat patients on a triage system. It's not surprising they didn't keep you. What if they had? You say so you don't kill yourself, but how long would you expect them to keep you? Indefinitely? Not to sound harsh, but remember the ER is an acute care system, not a maintenance or chronic care system, which is why they wouldn't have admitted you.

Having said that, it's obvious you need some help. Have you contacted your therapist today? I'd recommend getting an app't ASAP. You really do need help, and I'm not sure the ER is the best place anyway, since they're not trained in mental health issues. I'd recommend contacting your psychologist and / or psychiatrist right away.

Good luck and keep us posted.
I am glad you still went Domo you reached out for help when you needed it and that took strength good for you. I hope the effexor and sedative help settle your mind. If you have to go back again tonight do it and keep doing it until you get the help you need. Call your psychiatrist and see if heor she will admit you without going through the emergency dept. You need to be watched when switching over your medication like that because of instability it brings. Your doctor should be awareof that and have maybe hospitalized you until the switch over was done. Keep stong okay like i said you do what in necessary for you to survive and if it takes going back to emergency then do it. I am glad you are looking after yourself Domo you deserve to be well and happy take care.


Oh Domo,
I hope that you are safe right now. I am so sorry that you had to go through that, it must be so frustrating to feel like the doctors are dismissing you like that. Are your parents and brother around to help? Can you get in to see your therapist soon? I just hope that you are okay. Please take care of yourself. Murray
Mum was around. I think that's why they sent me home. Seeing my psychiatrist today.

Hey Domo,

Sorry to hear about your experience, but, quite frankly, its not surprising. It seems no matter where in the world you are there are just not enough hospital beds, and so they are reserved for those with the most severe physical ailments. Mental health has always been overlooked and underfunded, and health care workers are required to treat patients on a triage system. It's not surprising they didn't keep you. What if they had? You say so you don't kill yourself, but how long would you expect them to keep you? Indefinitely? Not to sound harsh, but remember the ER is an acute care system, not a maintenance or chronic care system, which is why they wouldn't have admitted you.

Having said that, it's obvious you need some help. Have you contacted your therapist today? I'd recommend getting an app't ASAP. You really do need help, and I'm not sure the ER is the best place anyway, since they're not trained in mental health issues. I'd recommend contacting your psychologist and / or psychiatrist right away.

Good luck and keep us posted.
You are right Turtle. I don't know what i expected/wanted from them.

I am glad you still went Domo you reached out for help when you needed it and that took strength good for you. I hope the effexor and sedative help settle your mind. If you have to go back again tonight do it and keep doing it until you get the help you need. Call your psychiatrist and see if heor she will admit you without going through the emergency dept. You need to be watched when switching over your medication like that because of instability it brings. Your doctor should be awareof that and have maybe hospitalized you until the switch over was done. Keep stong okay like i said you do what in necessary for you to survive and if it takes going back to emergency then do it. I am glad you are looking after yourself Domo you deserve to be well and happy take care.
I think i am ok today. Had 10 hours sleep and i am thinking clearer. Won't need to go back, nor would i go back there.

Anyway seeing the psych this afternoon. I suppose all this just proves that i really do need to take medication. Although i feel as if not taking them opens doorways in my mind that i would like to explore. It would kill me in the process.

I did meet a nice guy at the hospital who showed me how to get copper out of the headlights in cars. Bout $70 worth right there! :2thumbs:


I'm glad you're doing better. Sleep makes a big difference, as I've learned myself.

There's nothing wrong in needing medication; I just had yet another one added to my cocktail today. If it's going to help me function better and think clearer, then I'm on board. And, you'll find that taking them is what opens doorways in your mind. It really does.

How did your app't go?
I am glad you are doing better Domo I hope you doctor will see fit to get you the help support you need until you are totally stable. I like how you see the positve side of things I will have to tell my hubby about copper from headlights every bit helps Take care thanks for the update


Copper is only in the older cars. The new ones have platinum i think he said, which is also valuable.

He was in a biking accident a few years ago and had half his face torn off.

He asked me why i was here and i told him. His response 'You'll be right, tomorrow is another day'.

Normally if someone said that to me, i'd be pretty offended, but something about him gave me a second of hope.


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Hi Domo,

I'm happy you went to the hospital. Sometimes, just that trip, in and of itself, is enough to make us think about what path we're taking. I'm happy you're safe. :hug:
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