You know, I have had a situation where a friendship was dead and I tried to prolong it by sending e-mails and gifts and doing favours for the person even when I knew in my heart they cared nothing for me. I know your situation isnt the same thing but I found it was such a blow to my self esteem that I kept beating this dead relationship for reasons that I dont even understand to this day. I guess no one likes to feel like they failed or be rejected but as soon as I went cold turkey off the guy I was trying to make like me, my life got better and I stopped worrying about it. Now I have people in my life that care about me, it isn't worth spending time on ones that don't. My thoughts are to not send any more e-mails or messages, let it go and focus on building new relationships. There are so many e-mails I wish I didnt send, I think I probably just made him think even less of me by sending them, not that I care what he thinks but it made me think less of myself if that makes sense.