More threads by solitary man

Well I sent my ex-friend a text message, wishing him happy birthday.

I wished him well, and kept it short.

What I really wanted to say was I hope life gives him everything he deserves, like getting attacked by a dozen pink chihuahuas, but I chose to be gentleman.:jiggy:

He should thank his lucky stars I'm not a vindictive person.

With the dossier I kept on Borat would say:

I could crush him!

Karma will come back to find him...and I hope to be there in the front row with popcorn!:D

I now see he's nothing more than a Jerry Springer loser.

Am I bitter....yeah, but also a thousand times smarter for it.

Feel the hate, embrace it, then let it go.
Well life can sometime be so absurd, that all you can do is laugh.LOL

My work has given me the previous store where I made good friends with my now ex-friend.

Today was my first day back, and I think the whole store was peeved with my return, or at least it seemed that way.

Maybe it was my good mood and the fact that I was smiling everywhere I went, which set them off.

Then again, there's a dark cloud hanging over this store that anyone who aren't as miserable as they are unwelcomed.

I did come across my ex-friend, as I was coming back from lunch.

If looks could kill, I'd be dead. LOL

Instead of saying something nasty or giving him the evil eye, all I could do was laugh.

I hadn't realized how much I've grown over the last while, and how happy I really am.

At first I was going to be asked to be removed from this location, but now I've decided that I'll stay on with this account, keep to myself, do my job well and hold my head up high.:jiggy:
Just when I thought life couldn't get more funny....

After working for the last two months at the store where my ex friend works, I received a call from the company that I work for, with the good, no, make that great news, that I will no longer have to service this location as of next month.


It was a good experience going back to the store, because I can see how much I've grown and accomplished over the last year.

As I was leaving the store, I came across my ex-friend, and for a quick second, thought that I should have at least say how's it going.

I chose not to, as I finally realized that the hope that I held onto that we could be friends again will never materialize.

As I made way onto the subway platform, I ran into an old friend who I hadn't seen in 10 years!

She was always in the back of my mind, but we had lost contact over the years.

It was like no time had passed.

When one door closes, another one opens!
solitary man that is wonderful news :yahoo: i am very happy for you. it sounds like you are now able to move on from your friend and even better, you have connected with an old friend :yahoo: your life really has improved :goodjob:


This is a wonderful post. It chronicles despair, guilt, acceptance, reconciliation, and ultimatley, peace.

From Jan. 15 2008, until today, your progress in dealing with this matter is self evident, and positive. It's like a fairy tale, happy ending and all........

I don't know whether it's your character to deal with these life changing situations in such a well managed way, or not, but its a testament that it can be done by anyone.

Now, you made mention of my therapist, and it was in a negative sense. I take offence somewhat to your remark. I don't know if I can remain on friendly terms with you.

Jerry Springer!. lol He is my therapist. I use him, and his show, as a barometer to measure my own success. When I see the guests on his show, I am made aware that my life has meaning, and I am relevant

(Springers guests are people as well, with their own issues)


You must be very, very successful:D

Yes I am....and I might add, its very lonely up here! lol

(actually I don't have cable or satellite service, just rabbit ears. didn't even know Springer was still on) (thats my excuse and I'm stickin' to it!)


Who is Jerry Springer please ? :)

.......Hmmmmm, I'm leavin' that one for someone more qualified to respond to......from a psychological position of course!

Ladies and Gentlemen
I present you......
Dr. David Baxter...

"Dr Baxter, could you tell us who Jerry Springer is?"

"Why yes Yuray, I would be pleased to tell you....Jerry Springer requires taped open eyelids to view, as he is such an annoying person".

"Thank you for sharing that insight with us Dr.Baxter".

"My pleasure Yuray, and I would like to add, we do appreciate your tongue in cheek slant on life in these forums"

" Aww shucks Dr. Baxter":eek:
WP have you ever watch Americas Got Talent on TV? It's an American show. He is the host of that show but also he has his own Talk Show which features some trashy people making fools of themselves, when there isn't a riot.



Account Closed
..This thread has offered me a good lighthearted laugh tonight - thanks everyone. :D

And Yuray - your dialogue was priceless! :D
Believe me, it wasn't easy, I still wish the best for him and hope that he finds some kind of happiness in his life.

Maybe I should have taken him onto the Jerry Springer show to air out our grievences...granted there would have had to have been a third party involved.:juggle:

I could have taken him onto the Maury Povich show...but he only does shows with Paternity issues.

And I ain't no baby daddy! :dance2:


Account Closed
:lol: I'm so happy to see you doing so well Solitary Man...:) It trully brings a smile to my face.

And yes, I'm also happy that you didn't bring him on the Maury Povich show...:D
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